be disguised

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 04:20:26
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be disguised poorly-disguised的意思 funnily disguised Japanese是什么意思? ill-disguised 神马意思 英语翻译AH,well,actually,I wasn`t pretending not to be able to speak English,but...did silence work better than your funnilly disguised Japanese,didn`t it 英语翻译Ah.well actuallyI wasn t pretending not to be able to speak English.but...Did silence work better than your funnily disguised japanese.didn't it?第2句 I wasn t 改成“I wasn't Disguised the strong `,the original is so vulnerable是什么意思 They were disguised so that we couldn't recognize them此句是被动句吗? 一个英语句子Alfred the great acted as his own spy,visiting danish camps disguised as a minstrel.请问这里面的disguised做状语,为什么不用disguising的形式呢?自己装扮自己,不是表示主动的关系么? 在新概念第四册第九课中,Alfred the Grate acted his own spy,visiting Danish camps disguised as a minstrel这句中,为什么说disguised与Alfred the Grate 是逻辑上的动宾关系? 一道六级改错题No matter how he disguised himself,he was spotted to leave the building pretty soon.怎麼改,原因是什么 英语翻译这个:other frightened men under laws pacifist govermment disguised哦对了没写完.原句再加上with dark ambitions and so cheap stories All foreign students have the right to vote without ____of age ,sex ,race and religion.选项:a、distinctionb、disposalc、disguised、division All foreign students have the right to vote without ____of age ,sex ,race and religion.选项:a、distinctionb、disposalc、disguised、division alfred the great acted as his own spy ,visiting danish camps disguised as a minstrel 请问为什么visit 要加ing The universe got involved and sent me help disguised in the form of a sales call.谁能帮我翻译下的? disguise 和 hide区别都有隐藏的意思,能带例子说说不同吗?disguise也有隐藏的意思例如,he disguised the matter from his friends ALfred Great acted acted as his own spy,visiting Danish camps disguised as a minstrel.分析ALfred Great acted acted as his own spy,visiting Danish camps disguised as a minstrel.此处 visiting 换成to visit 语法说的通不