帮忙看一下这段英文语法是否正确xxx Ltd.is a leading provider of IT solutions and services,ranging from system integration and IT consulting,to software solutions and software platforms,and outsourced operations,to the banking industry i

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 01:08:18
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帮忙看一下这段英文语法是否正确xxx Ltd.is a leading provider of IT solutions and services,ranging from system integration and IT consulting,to software solutions and software platforms,and outsourced operations,to the banking industry i 帮忙看一下这段英文语法是否正确xxx Ltd.is a leading provider of IT solutions and services,ranging from system integration and IT consulting,to software solutions and software platforms,and outsourced operations,to the banking industry i 英语翻译请帮忙看下翻译的句子语法是否正确,不对请帮忙更改,. 请哪位帮忙看一下以下英文句子是否正确.请哪位帮忙看一下以下句子是否正确.我认为这句话应该要用被动语态吧,但为什么 postponed 前不用 be 动词?Please note that the meeting has postponed to this aftern 帮忙看一下语法正不正确 (英语)I'm for tipping the service peaple.语法正确吗? 帮忙看一下这句英语是否合乎语法?Thank you for attending the oral defense.这句是否有语法错误,谢谢? 判断一个句子是否正确是不是首先要看一下语法正确 第二要读 看一下是否符合逻辑.They finished the work deliberately.这个句子对吗. XXX,30岁,银行职员,请用英文帮忙翻译一下, 帮忙看一下这几个题做的正确吗 帮忙看一下这段英语短文中的语法是否有错.Facing difficulties which stand in front of us just like the sports' players try them best on throwing their sweat out.To get success or failure is still unknown until we run out of our energy 请帮忙看一下这句话英文怎么说?谢谢~王先生想确认一下你是否能参加9月8日的会议,谢谢 求英文高人帮忙看一下,谢谢 帮忙看一下这篇英语作文有没有语法问题 判断一个句子是否正确是不是首先要看一下语法正确 第二要读 看一下是否符合逻辑.They finished the work deliberately.这个句子对吗.deliberately.是不是有谨慎地的意思啊. 英语翻译语法是否正确 帮我看一下这段英语对话的语法需要修改么?A:hi,xxx I heard that next Monday is xx’s birthday.What can we do for her?B:How about hold a party for her,and she’ll be surprised in that.A:oh,that’s a good idea!But what are we prepari 请教家装电工,单联单控开关的正确接线方法:(帮忙看一下每一步是否有错),最好给一张非符号的接线图.请教单联单控的正确接线方法是不是:电源的火线接开关L、开关里面L接L1、然后将 这段英文帮忙给我翻译一下!Fate.Samsara .Lines on the hand .Blank