naturalism and democracy意思?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 06:07:18
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naturalism and democracy意思? 求翻译,不要机译.It was presented by France with the intention of affirming the historical alliance between the two nations.It was financed by international subscription in recognition of the establishment of the principles of freedom and democ 英国文学名词解释:Realism,Modernism,Naturalism,Aestheticism, 专八英语人文知识,In the 19th century Enlgish literature,a new literary trend ___appeared and it flourished in the forties and in the early fifties.A.RomanticismB.Naturalism C.Realism D.Critical REalism 英语翻译And has not twentieth-century art shown that naturalism does not necessarily follow abstraction in some kind of predetermined sequence?麻烦帮忙全句翻译这两个not怎么理解... 抽象名词前,不是不用加“the”的吗?I say a prayer as I prepare to leave and I pray that God give me the strength and the wisdom to bring democracy to my country and to end extremism.为何strength和wisdom前面加了“the”,而“democ 英美文学中Realism 和naturalism有什么区别 Now that I said so,that naturalism is true,why ask it? 什么是美国文学中的自然主义(naturalism),一直没有搞明白?如题 谁能解释一下naturalism 它用在文学中,我知道Naturalism是自然主义,他用在文学中应该还有其他的意思吧?例如这里的Naturalism 除了自然主义外,应该还可以翻译成其他意思吧?请指教how does the author's what is American Naturalism?要英文的,归纳得精简点哦,要定义,特点,和举例说明:代表作家例子一两个.总觉得自己归纳得不好,认真回答啊,读书的事情不是开玩笑的哦. 英国文学史名词解释求高手 求 Classicall epic,alliteration ,medieval romance,14行诗,purtanism,古典主义,Gothic novel ,Passive or Escapist Romanticists,Active Romanticists,The Victorian Values ,Naturalism 的汉语名词解 英语翻译Naturalism is a species of philosophical monism according to which whatever exists or happens is natural in the sense of being susceptible to explanation through methods which,although paradigmatically exemplified in the natural sciences, 奥巴马芝加哥演讲Hello,Chicago!If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democ mark twain,one of the most important writers in the history of American literature,ismark twain,one of the most important writers in the history of American literature,is well known for his ()?A international theme B symbolism C naturalism D local co And and and