my was marathon first this skating 连词成句

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/07 00:39:14
my was marathon first this skating 连词成句 The annual marathon in my twon was usually held in the hot wheater 开头的英语文章 The news___he got the firs prize was true.正确答案填that.为什么不填what? marathon咋读? marathon咋读? Was this your first inline skating marathon?这句话何解?怎么运用?inline skating marathon google翻译为“轮滑马拉松赛”觉得这个翻译较为贴切 英语翻译Ne-Yo - Never Knew I NeededFor the way you changed my plansFor being the perfect distractionFor the way you took the idea that I hadof everything that I wanted to haveand made me see there was something missing...For the ending of my firs 英语翻译The moment I began the touch of English,I had made up my mind that I would be a translator.The major I chose was English.I believe a good translator is someone who has a comprehensive knowledge of both source and target languages.The firs 新目标英语八年级下册Unit6 Self check-1怎么填单词:collect .run out句子:1:Our class is organizing a talent show to_____money for charity.2:My classmate Larry started______when he was nine and he won the firs 关于被动语态的疑问A soldier ran the first marathon in 490BC.转成被动语态:1.The first marathon was run in 490BC by a soldier.2.The first marathon was run by a soldier in 490BC.这两个句子中的in 490BC的位置是否可以灵活 my ideal job英语作文....myi ideal job is to be a teacher........................................Firs,being a teacher is my dream Second......................Third................................不少于60字 marathon runner是什么意思 marathon怎么读快 Hi,Mark.How was the musical evening?----- Excellent!Ales and Andy performed _________ and they won the firs prize.A.skillfully B.commonly C.willingly D.nervously the firs-rate team HOW long is the marathon? boston marathon bombing怎么翻译 Marathon Distributor 和SANDPIPER Distributor