这句话这么说合适吗whatever we can or cannot make the orderwhether we make the order or not?哪句话更恰当些?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 13:01:15
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这句话这么说合适吗whatever we can or cannot make the orderwhether we make the order or not?哪句话更恰当些? 这句话怎么解释呢everything depends on whatever we have enough experience.whatever怎么讲? there are two problem we found----这句话这么说对吗? 有句话是不是这么说的路还长日后指不定谁辉煌这句话是这么说吗 大千世界,无奇不有!这句话是应该这么说吗?呵呵 have you got married?这句话可以这么说吗. 英语,这句话可以这么说吗?As a long long time ago..这句话可以这么说吗? whatever what that is这句话是对的吗 Whatever may happen,we shall not lose hope.这句话是让步状语从句吧,状语从句中不是有主将从现的原则吗,我认为前一句话应该是Whatever happens.还有shall的用法是怎样的? 老师,what能在从句充当主语的成分吗,Whatever happens,we'll meet here tonight这句话是不是充当主语 英语whatever用法__________ much difficulty we may meet with,we will finish the work in time.A.However B.Whatever C.Whichever D.Though此题选什么,理由是这么理解的吗?我确定没打错 这句话这么说对吗?we have no modification regarding the insert.modification是可数名字还是不可数的?可数的话是不是要变成we have no modifications? Whatever和where能同时用吗? 比如:Whatever where you are.这句话有没有语法错误?求大神解释. I feel happiness because of you这句话对吗?或者说能这么说吗? 英语翻译她说应该这么说:We are not only get knowlage but also improve our ability.我觉得这句话有语法错误.你们觉得呢? we need a teacher to teach可以这么说吗 So happy we are可以这么说吗 班主任说了这么句话 ......