几个中学英语问题If he .,he.that food ( B)Luckily he was sent to the hospital at once.A.was warned;would not take B .had been warned;would nit have takenC.wold be warned ;had not taken D.would have been warned ;had not takenIf 后面不是一

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 03:11:41
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几个中学英语问题If he .,he.that food ( B)Luckily he was sent to the hospital at once.A.was warned;would not take B .had been warned;would nit have takenC.wold be warned ;had not taken D.would have been warned ;had not takenIf 后面不是一 几个If条件句的时态问题1.My boy never (disturbed) me if he( noticed) that I was working.2.He told me to read it myself if I( didn’t believe) what he (had said/said).3.If she (is) not the kind of girl he (wants),why doesn’t he find a new 几个个中学英语问题Tom,you didn't come to the party last night ( D )i ,but my mom hurt her back and I had to look after her.A had to B didn't C would't D was going to B C 怎么错了Do you know when he Lucy?( B )A was marrying B get married I don't know if he will come tomorrow i think he if he free 中学英语问题he is ————(决定) to travel to Xi‘an by train ___ the meeting ,he would have attended.A If he knewB If he hadn't knownC Had he knownD If he didn't know don't 算几个英文单词?He's(He is) 中学英语问题一道 ,he _____ very hard because he looked very tired.a must have worked b had to work c need have worked d needed to work 1-16why hasn't he come?( )on time,we will have to put off the trip.1.if he doesn't come2.if he won't come3.if he shouldn't come4.if he hadn't come if he ---free tomorrow,he won't take part in the partydoesn't behasn'tisn't I don't mind if he (come),but if he (come),please tell me I don't know if he ___.if he ____,please tell me .(come) If he misses u,he'll call.If he wants u,he'll say it.If he cares,he'll show it.And if not,he isn't worth your time. He would,if he could He won't see a film if he isn't free next saturday.翻译成汉语 he said that if he didn't go he wouldn't catch the bus.为什么不省略that He can't see anything if he doesn't wear glasses.(改为简单句) He can see ---- ---- ---- glasses. Dose____matter if he can't finish the job on timt