
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 14:08:09
xuS_OP*{ܒ|o7d%l8C,{,GD,Pj2{ν}+fdYf4{cf5dv_\؇thj%d:a5yGX`xSCgf*ˢ uti.s~ͦD:d泵֧YY߈Gx
els是什么意思 ELS 是什么 If you remember me then I don't Care if everyone els forgets是什么意思 ELS美语中心怎么样 else's的正确读音是什么我认为是/els/ 无英语基础能去美国读ELS吗? 我想去美国玩顺便学英语..ELS center怎麽样? 见英语老师读的“啊克初嘞”和“啊内els”是啥意思 ( )osa( )s es( )ace( ) t( )eb p( )els re( )mu( ) hc( )hw,括号里填字母 Tom is taller ---in his class .A than any other one B than any other one els You've tried to sign in too many times with an incorrect e-mail address or password,or someone els ELS的英文全称是什么?是一个英语培训机构,但是不知道是简称自哪些单词. What _____ can you see in the picture?-Some flowers.A.something B.other C.the other D.els用other可以吗? 提高英语能力看什么书5月要去马来西亚读els~现在想再看看书提高一下~过去测试的时候也不至于太丢脸~听力,阅读,写作都可以~随便什么书大家推荐基本 英语单词怎么拼读啊!本人讨厌学英语,但现在不得不学,在学音标的时候没什么,可一拼读就傻了,怎么有些单词拼出来后,和音标不一样了啊?比如else它的音标是[els]把这些音标拆开读的话,读音 英语翻译To begin with,an act of communication through speaking is commonly performed in face to face interaction and occurs as part of a dialogue or other form of verbal exchange.What is said,therefore,is dependent on an understanding of what els 英语短对话理解 A:I forgot to tell you that Fred called last night to borrow your sleeping bag.  B:Oh,I saw him at the gym this morning and he didn't say anything.So he must've asked somebody else.  What does the man imply?A.someone els vb解二次函数代码问题!代码如下Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a As Single,b As Single,c As SingleDim n As Single,m As Singlea = Val(Text1.Text)b = Val(Text2.Text)c = Val(Text3.Text)If b ^ 2 - 4 * a * c < 0 ThenLabel3.Caption = 无解Els