给外国朋友回信I just view your profile now,it looks so matured to me,why not get contact with me,is anyone that know what tomorrow will be?我刚刚看了你的简历,它对我很有吸引力.为什么不和我进一步取得联系呢?你认

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 14:41:49
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给外国朋友回信I just view your profile now,it looks so matured to me,why not get contact with me,is anyone that know what tomorrow will be?我刚刚看了你的简历,它对我很有吸引力.为什么不和我进一步取得联系呢?你认 给外国朋友TOM写一封信, 给外国朋友的一封信 用英语翻译:你化妆了吗?怎么翻译?我要用在给外国朋友的回信中,怎样才很礼貌? 一位外国朋友来中国旅游 给他回信 1接到朋友的来信 2你对旅游的安排计划和理由 3表达你希望见到朋友的心愿 chine 事情是这样的我再给一个外国朋友写信的时候,说道:其实每个人的人生就像一条直线,当你们见面的时候只是交到了一个点,点一过,你们有各奔东西他的回信时:I really like the chine thing abo 给外国朋友的一封信 英语急 i poke 一个外国朋友说的~ Just your view Just let you know that i miss you 我朋友给我写的! I just saw a view of your back when I first met you 英文笔友该怎么回信?她是外国的,她隔了好久才给我回信,一个劲的在信中说对不起.我咋回阿! 外国朋友来信了 帮写个回信啊Hi John,How come you do not write to me,did i upset or offend you in any way.If i have then i am very sorry.If i have not,then tell me what you have been doing recently.I hope you are well.Take CareLots of Love 外国朋友来信了 帮写个回信啊Hi John,How come you do not write to me,did i upset or offend you in any way.If i have then i am very sorry.If i have not,then tell me what you have been doing recently.I hope you are well.Take CareLots of Love 谁给我纠正一下错误 这是我写的回信 英语不好 望指正I have received your reply and enjoyed photos you’ve sent.the view is beautiful and attracts me.and I can also see you are a person who love life.if I have the chance,I will go 给外国写信地址用中文还是英文,你经常写信的,我很希望得到回信 有谁能介绍外国朋友给我,只为了提高英语水平 给外国朋友的一封信初一英语翼教版的,