
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 11:53:55
xN@_KMxލD6z>gR`-!1`8В2HDvVD8&A0z%Cgm HRlNߝ.-6i(+݊ԉ9%Zkձfzx,}AC<]=鈎Ȃ`1DıhXfa%>OffSΰ5EYSuJ.7U a
heterogeneous是什么意思 heterogeneous是什么意思 heterogeneous nucleation是什么意思 heterogeneous nucleation是什么意思 heterogeneous catalysts是什么意思 heterogeneous catalysis是什么意思 heterogeneous networks是什么意思 Estimated Heterogeneous inherently heterogeneous什么意思 什么是cooperative heterogeneous network 什么是homogeneous mixtures和heterogeneous mixtures solution在化学专业词里是什么意思?是溶液(n)还是把什么东西溶解,与另个物质形成mixture?heterogeneous mixture 于 homogeneous mixture有什么区别 英语翻译The European advertising market is considerably more heterogeneous – we know how it needs to be handled.请翻译整个句子. 英语翻译Expression of hormone receptors and cell kinetic-related moleculesduring hormone therapy.In initial biopsy specimens,diffuselystrong immunoreactivity for ER and PR and a heterogeneous orsporadic distribution of immunopositive cells for Ki 英语翻译(有点难度哦!)Java is designed to meet the challenges ofapplication development in the context of heterogeneous, network-wide distrbuted environments. Paramount among these challenges is secure delivery of applications that consume, t 英语翻译6.Uptake of Hydrocarbons by BiosurfactantsBiosurfactants are heterogeneous group of surface active chemical compounds produced by a wide variety of microorganisms [57,58,60,81–83].Surfactants enhance solubilization and removal of contam 英语翻译Nowadays,the Sensor Webs represent a very effective solution to global earth observation [1]–[5].The term “SensorWeb”refers to a network of heterogeneous and spatially distributed sensors whose data can be real-time accessed through matter 分为 substance 和 mixturesubstance 又分为 element 和 compoundmixture 又分为 homogeneous mixture 和 heterogeneous mixture还有 solution solute 和solvent 的区别what are acids and bases?