来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 06:49:18
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TOday is mr .Bear s bithday .Mr.Bear准备了很多美味招待朋友们,这些food就藏在表格内,请找出,共16个FIVEBMCQWICECREAMASHGTEAKITHOEXATELERTTYDJOKRIDAPPLESMCOBLSCULTEGLENMONWWPEAREGGO TOday is mr .Bear s bithday .Mr.Bear准备了很多美味招待朋友们,这些food就藏在表格内,请找出,共16个FIVEBMCQWICECREAMASHGTEAKITHOEXATELERTTYDJOKRIDAPPLESMCOBLSCUiTEGLENMONWWPEAREGGO Mr.Black is too busy.He f ____ it is his daughter's birthday today. first June is造句 2Mr Li's at six arrives plane lt's really hot today!l can't bear it.----Yeah.Today's t_____is40°c What's the meaning of 'a fed bear is a dead bear'? this toy bear is (Millie's.)对括住部分提问 ____ ____ this toy bear? ( ) is today?It's Thursday. Today is teacher's Day? father's Day is today 用Brown Bear’s,the,is,camera连词组句 This is Mr Green's room.Mr green's画线 Mr.Zhang is not at the home today.(改错) Mr green is not in today 改为同义句 Mr Smith is wearing a bule shirt today对a bule shirt 提问_______ ________ Mr Smith _______ today Why?-->Mr.Black,Mr.White,Mr.Brown,Mr.Green,Mr.Blue,Mr.Red,Mr.Yellow,Mr...Mr.Black,Mr.White,Mr.Brown,Mr.Green,Mr.Blue,Mr.Red,Mr.Yellow,Mr.Why?Mr.Orange,Mr.Purple,Mr.Violet,Mr...Is it any kind of colour can make a person's name?Why?Is there any reason? 请问bear one's 英语翻译Mr.Wang,Good evening.Thank you for the delivery of Mr.Chen's print to Yaishu8 today.I like to request the below.1.We agreed to have the photo of Mr.Chen and classes scene were supposed to be attached to Mr.Chen's frame but it is missing s