程序老是报错 `a' was not declared in this scope10.编写…个程序,声明一个3x5的数组并初始化,具体数值可以随意.程序打印出数值,然后数值翻1番,接着再次打印出新值.编写一个函数来显示数组的内容,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 15:14:12
xVOYWn4z3: jCoKI:0tU@[ujMv]l {f. ٗw{ʼyAkVQ"z$8""b8&bIiRò"أ_w7US0knլ];7Л/!@S r7y%1_l3c/e7w?`#W6R45>Y,6hŸh=:qmH4nz&,}~z:uleMGo5JG ^d8۱o$%"5/1*}<|6F^{,ER"攈l=C8"'B1 PŠE0VtIӢ!D ;> ͹)n {9oinp3xw? @1x7=OaޤIzRl VARTˑ#_!ŗ㚸t(B".::%T&[r̰&,GTV5铐 >i|k&H7leDCn_I4JG+*NC >$,|_ܥܙ-8pukUi9vB%">Fq0sܐQ >=ZѲ? ( aM z\cs4YYV-$Dő&k55nAc+WT 1?̍3"fo; -c2:wE>#b'BUP:l(,q7k/yR"`" $ CE꩓WQPPe~4ˮl_?6l }U٥m3WVLOKź5ԑ=]=8ۚyA%#m7";>I8MߦͭՀ_h~F*Cc#D9V?UFc @k;{^ܺ,Wת
程序老是报错 `a' was not declared in this scope10.编写…个程序,声明一个3x5的数组并初始化,具体数值可以随意.程序打印出数值,然后数值翻1番,接着再次打印出新值.编写一个函数来显示数组的内容, 系统老是报错, matlab报错Function definitions are not permitted at the prompt or in scripts.麻烦帮修改程序能运行这是我的程序function []=expand(q,a,d,t,v0)R=(q*t/(a*pi/6+5000*pi))^(1/3);q=1;a=14363.384;d=0.3;t=100000;v0=3.6;for i=0:24:t/3600if (d*( after effect AE3d export 怎么用?为什么老是报错? after effects老是报错,到底是怎么回事啊? 【 】 from his parents for a long time he was worried about themA not hearing B heard not D not heard 这三个选项哪里错了 was 部署后多并发操作报sybase encountered a deadlock situation.Please re-run your command.使用TOMCAT操作时,并发都没报这个错,在was中使用JNDI并发就报.org.hibernate.exception.LockAcquisitionException:could not insert:cause b -surprised me most was that there was not not a car in this______ surprised me most was that there was not not a car in this European ancient town.A .Which B.AS C.What D.It 电子狗老是报kfi雷达, android log类Log.d(tag,...onFling...); 这个是从别人那考的代码.看不懂.为什么tag老是报错. Not having finished his homework,____to watch TV. A.his mother forbade him B.so he was not allowed C.and he was not allowed D.he was not allowed 答案是D,为什么!求详细的解释,谢谢! Not having finished his homework,____to watch TV.A.his mother forbade him B.so he was not allowed C.and he was not allowed D.he was not allowed 为什么A是妈妈为主语 为什么A不行? Nothing he did was right,__? A)was it B)did it C)was not it D) did not it 谢谢 有关重要性水平审计问题被审计单位应收账款金额为300万元,重要性水平为2万元,现对其中50%进行抽查,发现0.95万元的错报,注册会计师应当?A 确认其金额 B 追加审计程序 C 扩大审计程序 D 建议 How was your trip to Beijing?A.Not bad B.Not really C.Not well D.Not worse为什么要选择A Tony was very angry at_____to a higher position.A.I not promoting B.my not being promotedC.not me being promoted D.not promoted 为什么程序老是没有响应? But it was ___ cold yesterday.(阅读)A.much B.not C.a bit D.more