这里的subject Any sepcial services will be agreed to by separate letter and will be subject to time and charges.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 11:00:54
x){ZKRK*S 3stQYfrjByfNBRBbzQjjBIBXUbQbIBNjIIjBb^ \!4ʒT\rFbQzjMR>`Q:X_`g3p~?m/oy:Ŗϧ O;V\gr!ؤ
he doesn't like any subject,这里的subject是单数,为什么he doesn't have any pencils,中pencils是复数 这里的subject Any sepcial services will be agreed to by separate letter and will be subject to time and charges. Subject什么意思To :Tracy McGrady Subject* :Subject在这里的意思‘‘‘‘‘月快月好‘‘‘‘‘ be subject to a claim for privilege的意思email里的保密协议写在最后的.原文是This email plus any attachments to it are confidential and are subject to a claim for privilege.感觉这里的be subject to跟我知道的那些意思都不 Don't take any aspirins!另外这里的any是什么意思, 英语翻译The TV programs are subject to change without notice.翻译一下这句话,并告诉我这里的be subject 英语翻译Municipal water is subject to frequent and detailed testing,and the source of the water is public.be subject to 这里的subject是什么意思? 这个语境The above dates are subject to change due to industrial action by academics.这里的BE SUBJECT TO 怎么翻译这个be subject to合适呢? What's your favorite ( I don't like any ( ).A.subject subjets B.subject subject Maths is more popular than( ).A.any ohter subject B.all the subjects C.any subject D.other subject any one ,any other,and any others,any else这里是上面单词的意思和分辨,用在什么地方! I think p______ is an interesting subject.这里卫生么要填动词的ing形式呢?painting subject什么时候用单数,什么时候用复数?I do not like any subject.Nick does not like subjects.为什么第一句的subject没有加s,而第二句加了s?在什么情况下加,什么情况下不加呢? 几条简单的英语选择题初二~!``````1.Our classroom is ______larger than theirs .A.,more B.quite C.very D.much 2.Maths is more popular than ______.A.any other subject B.all the subject C .any subject D.other subject main subject 与 single subject 的区别 What subject和Which subject的差别 this subject matter of this section is 这是英语阅读文章后的提问方式,这里的SUBJECT 和matter该怎么翻译? 英语翻译这里的(一些)是用some还是any?