
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 19:13:02
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vegetables、drinks、snacks是否可数啊?求 You can buy drinks,vegetables,fruit and all k____ of food vegetables 用英语说健康的食物和不健康的食物、饮料Healthy food:meat,fruit,vegetables,________________________Unhealthy food:hamburgers,candy,_________________________Healthy drinks:water,________________________________Unhealthy drinks:C 用英语说健康的食物和不健康的食物、饮料Healthy food:meat,fruit,vegetables,________________________Unhealthy food:hamburgers,candy,_________________________Healthy drinks:water,________________________________Unhealthy drinks:C Vegetables,water,eggs,rice,bread,juice,fish,chicken,cakes,hamburgers,milk 帮他们找家Food( )Drinks( What is on the desk?是用It is a book回答,还是There is a book单选题再问一道drinks vegetables apples potatoes的音标 She always has too much soft drinks ,some vegetables,too many sweets So she has__A.a good diet B.a bad diet C.healthy die We can buy all kinds of things,like school things,drinks,vegetables and so on,and we also can have meals in the (s ).s开头的快 Linda likes vegetable so she eat lots of__every day.填空 a spicy food b dumplingsc sweet drinks d leafy vegetables and carrots Eat________ fruit and vegetables and drink water instead of drinks.A.much B.lots of C.more 三个选项好像都正确吧?有什么区别啊他们? drinks是什么意思 1.Things in the cinema:_________ __________ __________2.Different kinds of meat:_________ __________ __________3.Vegetables you like:__ ____ ___ ____4.Drinks you know:_____ ______ ______ _____5.Animals on the farm:__ ____ ___ ____ 英语翻译吃许多不同种类的蔬菜有利于身体健康It's ( )to eat many different ( )of vegetables.南美洲人用可可粉制成了饮料.People in ( ) ( )made drinks ( )cocoa哈利波特在孩子们中很受欢迎.Harry Potter is very ( vegetables是什么意思 there() some drinks drinks是什么意思activities是什么意思 energy drinks 是什么意思?