这里为什么要用被动语态?Did you get your pay? Yes,I remember being paid,But I forget the exact amoun为什么我读来读去都不觉得它有被动意义?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 13:25:18
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Hi Jack.Did you go to Jim's birthday party?No,I felt so sad.I (wasn't invited).这里为什么要用被动语态 这里为什么要用被动语态?Did you get your pay? Yes,I remember being paid,But I forget the exact amoun为什么我读来读去都不觉得它有被动意义? 为什么 用 被动语态 What you say should ____facts.为什么填be based on,为什么要用被动语态呢? Did you write the letter?变被动语态是什么? How did you make the model plane 改为被动语态 How did you make the model piane 改为被动语态 did he made you do this改被动语态 把Did you water the tree?改为被动语态 Did you share your sister some cake?改为被动语态 How did you keep your classroom clean?变为被动语态. When did you buy your mobile phone改为被动语态 it is time for you to get cleaned 为什么要用被动语态? Friends like you make it a lot easier to get along in a new placemake 是使动用法接动词原形除被动语态要还原to但这里不是被动语态为什么还会接动词不定式 built buildThe boy is well built .这里为什么要用被动语态?这男孩被长得很好? My hair wants cutting.这里为什么要用cutting 而不用被动语态to be cut 或者being cut? 英语句型:When were you born?和 I was born in 1997.为什么问句要用“were”而答句要用“was”呢我知道这里是被动语态,可是“you”和“I”不都是用应该用“were”么? it is located in qater 为什么要用被动语态