Euro Currency Bloc是指什么,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 08:04:47
Euro Currency Bloc是指什么, Planning Currency - Market Group Curr / Euro.:RB / 大家能否帮忙看看我写的英语句子错在哪里?我写的是after 13 years single currency performs in euro-areas,老师改成了after 13 years of the single currency performing in euro-areas.为什么要这样改?这个句子的句子 Euro 英语翻译不懂英语,是计算器的说明.FEATURE1.5V operatevery low power consumption (standby current:typ.3uA)“euro”amount is fixed to 2 currency conversion.Automatical power off“ac”,”local” & “ac currency 新浪BLOC 英语翻译For example,in a quotation that says the Euro-United States Dollar exchage rate is 1.2 dollars per euro,the price currency between the dollar and the unit currency is the euro.主要是后半句话让我有点晕.“1.2 dollars per euro, Euro- 是表示Europe 还是 Europeon? 一Euro是啥意思等于多少元 euro mps 什么是储备货币地位? 英文是Reserve currency status 英语翻译the protests occurred on the eve of a european summit in brussels,in which leaders are expected to approve a permanent bailout fund for ailing countries sharing the euro currency 英语翻译The euro has soared to a record high after a string of disappointing economic reports in the United States pushed the common currency to $1.5057 in morning trading.That is the highest the currency used by 15 countries has ever gotten agai European currency currency是什么意思? 什么是Currency? CURRENCY怎么样