这里的hold even holds onto some items that have only sentimental value

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 05:31:10
这里的hold even holds onto some items that have only sentimental value This material is of good quality and holds color well.最后的hold在这里怎么理解 who holds the purse rules the house.这里的hold 和 rule 都是动词吧?为什么有两个动词? a piece of equipment which lifts and holds goods这里hold good It is difficult to know what the future holds.这的句子中hold是什么意思? Administrative Holds 如题这里的Holds明显是个名词啊..View Holds and Conditions of Offer跟这个Holds 的意思一样 到底是什么意思啊这个Holds..Below is a list of administrative holds on your record.Holds may restrict offers of Please hold the line.这里的hold什么意思 SAT 语法分析.Although the night shift is (fully staffed),the managers (always holds us )responsible for (that shift's)work if (it )is not finished when we arrive in the morning .为什么always hold us 是错的.那这里的IT为什么不是错 It holds to be apparent that + 从句 中的 hold to 原句是这样的:It holds to be apparent that the picture is indicative of a common phenomenon with regard to culture. Storage differs from memory ,which can hold these items permanently(永久的),whereas memory holds these items only temporarily(暂时的)怎么翻译啊? Storage differs from memory ,which can hold these items permanently(永久的),whereas memory holds these items only temporarily(暂时的) 船舶英语求教CLASSIFICATION ABS O A1 E,Bulk Carrier,BC-A(Holds Nos.2,4&6 may be empty,No.4 may be ballast hold),CSR,SafeShip-CM,ESP,GRAB(20t),UWILD,*AMS,ACCU,TCM hold on to.这里的to 是什么词性? 英语翻译是注册课程时遇到的一句话,谁能帮忙翻译出来呢~These are the holds on your record.Some menu items may not be accessible to you if you have a hold on your record.A hold type that holds Registration will not allow you to r My sister came in ( )a book in her hand just now A.hold B.holds C.to hold D.holding what the future holds 为什么不用被动语态?未来应是被hold啊? Who holds the world record for sneezing为什么“hold” 后要加“s”呢 Once she came to Shanghai to hold her c_____这里的hold好像是召集的意思吧.