把下列2题合并为一句话1.This bag is 8 dollars.That bag is 9 dollarsThat bag is ___ ___ than this one2.Bejing is beautiful.Shanghai is beautiful,too.___ Bejing ___ Shanghai are beautiful.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 01:03:35
x){dGӎF/x:mOvzidd+$%+) Ģbhb L&,%y@(j甚VXZV T"S2Ą+L,JEoTO`5$yHX~/>lwn>P> 58, N%@3F'2E7>k|VΓ/}8@~qAb(-
把下列2题合并为一句话1.This bag is 8 dollars.That bag is 9 dollarsThat bag is ___ ___ than this one2.Bejing is beautiful.Shanghai is beautiful,too.___ Bejing ___ Shanghai are beautiful. This is Anna.This is Mary(合并为一句话)This is Anna___ ___is Mary 用关联词把2句话合并成一句话他热情的为大家服务. This is my jacket.It's yellow.(合并为一句话)____ ____ ____ _____ ____. This snowman is small.That one is smaller.怎么合并为一句话? David's team will the basketball game this sunday.I'm sure.合并为一句话 用恰当的关联词把两句话合并为一句话.1.毛岸英是我的儿子.我尊重朝鲜人民的意愿. this movie is intresting.But it's kind of scary(合并为一句话)This movie interesting______ _______ 把(老师要求大家.大家发表意见)这个句子合并为一句话 你若爱它们,它们也爱你.他们都喜爱小孩子.把合并为一句话 武松把老虎打死.武松被老虎吃掉,合并为一句话; 把下列句子合并为一句.1.Where does the woman work Could you tell me 填上关联词 用恰当的关联词 把两句话合并为一句话例如:不但.而且1.冷风刮著,冷雨下个不停.小花没有盛开.2.金钱可以买来药品.金钱买不来健康.在2点15分以前好 用关联词把两句话合并成一句话,如下题:山多高 我们要爬上去 新概念2册英语题根据括号中所给提示把下列每题中的两个句子合并成一个1.We were very interested in this film.We decided to see it again.(so...that)2.He heard the news.He rushed out of the room.(分词作状语)3.She spent 用关联词把下列每组中的两个句子合并为一句话.1.此时此刻,从北往南开的车只有我们一辆,可是由南向北的却何止千辆!我们双方的车子却依然行驶得非常流畅.2.我觉得这是我平生所见过的最 用上恰当的关联词把下面的句子合并为一句话我爱夹竹桃.我喜欢月光下的夹竹桃. 用关联词语把两句话合并为一句话刘胡兰牺牲自己.刘胡兰说出党的机密.