be held举办,是不是一定要用被动语态

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 08:25:13
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be held举办,是不是一定要用被动语态 Be held是不是被动语态 被动一定要用过去分词 是不是 People should be held accountable for rheir own action. 请达人指点这里为什么要用BE HELD的被动形式 举办一次活动中held要不要用被动语态The charity show ______ three times since 2010.空格处用has held还是用has been held?还是has been taken place之类的? 关于hold作为举办什么什么的用法的问题 The Olympic Games will be held in ...为何是held?The Olympic Games will be held in our country.新概念二第37课的课文中的句子为何要用held?held不是过去分词吗?而为何下一 完成句子,为什么用to be held,不能用to will be heldThe next World Cup is reported _________(将举办) in Brazil in 2014.(hold) Mr.White has been invited to the celebration ____ tomorrow afternoon.A held B to be held celebration 与 hold 是被动关系,这里用held 又错在哪里呢? 将被成功的举行 英文翻译 是不是will be successfully held 成功是用副词吧. shall not be held responsible for...请问 这里是不是应该用名词responsibility? be held 与be taken place的区别被动语态时,有什么区别? notice,hold,没有被动态吗?be noticed to do sth./doing sth.和be held不是被动态吗? BE HELD EVERY 4 YEARS be held once for four years每四年举办一次以上说法哪个更准确 We cannot be held liable.请教这句话的用法We cannot be held liable if we are unable to meet the agreed delivery datescannot be held liable 这里面为什么用了be呢,是被动,还是系动词的用法?为什么要这样用呢?liable是形 be dressed in 是不是被动语态 I'll be thrilled.是不是被动~ they have never been held before in this country 为什么用been 不用beheld被动应该用be啊···· 为什么用will不用wouldwhen and where will the next Olympic Games be held?这不是考被动语态的题吗,不是用过去是吗