shouldn't be&couldn't have been的提问— There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well.— It _______ a comfortable journey.A.can't beB.sholdn't beC.must have beenD.couldn't have been请问B错在哪里?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/17 13:28:24
x)+/IS/QHJUK3Ryg^+F 1U7?
couldn't和shouldn't的区别,急要 couldn't 和shouldn't 区别,You( )play computer games very often.A.couldn‘t B.shouldn't 区别几个英语短语it can'tbeit mustn't beit couldn't beit won't beit shouldn't be这几个有什么区别 英语题目求高手解答回答最好有解释1 the color of the sofa should be darker to match those chairs,______?A couldn't theyB couldn't itC shouldn't theyD shouldn't it2 the analysis couldn't _____on time because the date didn't come in until You couldn't be more you shouldn’t be doing anyway Life shouldn't be dependent on If you want better grades,you ______ watch so much TV.答案是shouldn't ,可以用couldn't吗shouldn't ,couldn't ,有什么区别呢 couldn't 和 shouldn't4.He__ the 8:20 bus because he didn't leave home till 8:25.A couldn't have caught B ought to have caught C shouldn't have caught D must not have caught为什么选C,A哪里不妥,谢谢!问题补充:那为什么 She must be in A:I was told to be here before five.B:Oh,you ____.I'm sorry for not telling you that we have changed the plan.A.couldn't B.needn't C.can't D.shouldn't ―what do you think of the film Auatar?―It ___ be better .I oven want to see it twice .a:won’t b:couldn’t c:shouldn’t d:mightn’t should have done ,shouldn't have done.could have done,couldn't have done should have done和shouldn't have done,couldn't have you -----tell him the news .it well make him sad.couldnt ,shouldnt mayn't be ,can't be,mustn't be,shouldn't be的区别 it couldn't be used then couldn't be prouder怎么翻译 lt couldn't be any worse