英语句子解析John was a famous doctor in London -- so expert ,indeed ,that he attended it as her personal physician

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英语句子解析John was a famous doctor in London -- so expert ,indeed ,that he attended it as her personal physician Fam. 请判断英语句子中哪个词或哪个字是状语He never was a good speaker Evidently John is to blame for it. 把下列英语单词排成英语句子 (每排一个句子)was day yesterday scool sports was in the first peter racethey did last sunday to scool godid not a banana eat she john were mike a swimming race in and 英语翻译While John was walking to school.he saw a cat in a tree.翻译:分析句子结构: 英语阅读(1个问)急,最好带解析!In 1638,John Harvard donated some money and about four hundred books to a new university.This was the beginning of the library at Harvard University.The gift was so important that the university was named ___his arrival,John was given a warm welcome by the local people.A.ForB.AtC.OnD.In求题目考点和解析 英语句子解析Rose is a pretty name but there was nothing pretty about Typhoons Rose 为什么不把nothing换成no呢 用英语解释句子,英语高手快来用英语解释句子1.We don't allow pets in this hotel.2.John interrupted him.3.Can you tell me the location of the fire exit.4.The phone was dead.5.It was music to my ears.6.Soon,a fireman showered up but he 英语一个句子里能有俩动词吗?John eventually admitted he was in love with Maryadmitted和was不是俩动词吗? 解析英语句子Well,by this time it was early morning.今晚就要,.. _______chair the meeting.A.John was decided to.B.There was decided that John should.C.it was decided that John should.D .John had been decided to 修改英语语法错误!Grapes of Wrath published in 1939.From a Nobel Prize for literature ,John Steinbeck • (john steinbeck ,1902-1968 ) ,is a popular Bible the impact of contemporary American novelists . Grapes of Wrath was John S John was always going to the beach when he was a kid.这个句子的主句是什么时态?过去将来好像说不通. 填句子中缺的单词(1) -It was a wonderful show last night.-Yes.All the acdience _______their hands and cheered for it.(2) -The people all stand in a_______.What are they doing?- They are wait for the actor to sign for them.(3)-Zhang Ziyi is fam 初中句子英译汉.John was the only son of a very rich American businessman.he was taken to school by the driver in his father's beautiful car before the driver took John's father to his office. 求助英语句子分析“Through the cooperation with John last week found that John is a person with innovation capability.这句好是否有语法错误?为什么?怎么改? 英语对话:在横线上填入恰当的句子,补全对话.A:Hi,John!How was your vacation?B:Great.I went to Hong Kong.A:Cool!(1)___________________?B:I vasited many famous places,took many photos and went shopping.A:(2)_______________?B:It was gr