英语从句这题怎么解I now know what was happening 我现在知道发生什么了.I do not know who he is我不知道他是谁.这两个句子对吗?如果对,这BE动词应放主语后吧?was 怎么不是放在HAPPEN后?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/17 01:48:57
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英语从句这题怎么解I now know what was happening 我现在知道发生什么了.I do not know who he is我不知道他是谁.这两个句子对吗?如果对,这BE动词应放主语后吧?was 怎么不是放在HAPPEN后? 英语宾语从句 关于语序问题宾语从句语序 是主、谓、宾 怎么判断主谓宾 I don't know what's the matter with you 这是宾语从句吗?我感觉宾语从句语序好像是疑问语序 还有 I don't know which is the way to + 一道宾语从句英语题I did not know( )the books were.什么时候用. 英语从句语序I do not know when will i be free 这是宾语从句吧 从句不是用陈述语序么?应该是 I do not know when i will be free Now I know I want I don't know now Now That I Know 歌词 now that i know it 请问这句话怎么翻更好些啊?I knew it quite well as I know it now 请问这句是不是定语从句?I thought I was so grown up and knew everything there was to know,but I realize that even now,I know little about life and what it's about.请问这个句子中的there was to know是不是作为定语从句修饰eve 怎么判断英语句子中的插入语?怎么判断句子中的插入语?This is the student__I know will pass the CET-4 A:who B:whom C:that D:what 这题我选B,后来发现错了,我开始认为后面定语从句中I know 做主谓,然后whom做 I don't know which shoes i should choose应该怎么解释.如题.这句话怎么用英语解释. wish I didn't know now the things I never knew before.怎么译?wish I didn't know now the things I never knew before 怎么译? I am sorry I didn't know that.请问这是从句吗?是什么从句? 这句英语是什么从句?句子成分是什么?I am glad to know that you are going to study in Canada. 英语 怎么区分宾语从句和定语从句Do you know who has won Battlefield3 game?这句怎么看出来是宾语从句呢 我怎么觉得像是定语从句 作主语呢who作主语 一个句子中怎么有两个动词but now i know that you left got love around me.这个从句中怎么存在两个动词从一首英文歌曲中看到的 May I know what does this stand for 这句语法对吗? what 作为疑问从句应该怎么用呢?