
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 02:58:13
x)/-xXSQ $3XdG =/o~>i{XaMR>: l(5Ov4<-Ovzw O~v랯la=j!&/.H̳nd 4uذ^?ߵ$ǡ
those thank mouth mother th 哪个与those 的th发音相同 three,there,thank和fourth中的th哪个发音不同 three,this,thank,th读音相同的是 thank mouth clothes month画线th,发音部分不相同的 mouth、thank,three,this中不同音的单词是(…) smooth中的th的音标是什么?three中th的音标是什么?mouth中th的音标是什么?cherry中的ch音标是什么?touch中的ch音标是什么? thin mouth thank that 找读音不同 thank中th的音标 英语单词辨音五条1、lunch child teach school(ch)2、egg eleven pencil seven (e)3、played helped looked jumped (ed)4、think mouth this three(th)5、have cake same take(a) maths clothes thing mouth中的th分别发什么音 thank的th的音标是什么 Its mouth is three-lipped.帮我翻译这句话. three的th和tha的th读音一样吗, three these th发音相同吗 英语单词音标分类1题急(1)以th为标准分类 因为两个音标难输,所以没写,但分两类 with there thank bathroom these three they that thirteen throw dog front come(o) may day many(a) dish ice-cream write(i) three there thank (th)father path what (a)选出画线部分发音不同的单词 Amanda is an American filmmaker and actress.She came to China three years ago to study Performance at Beijing Film Academy.Last mouth,she moved to Japan to study Economics at the University of Tokyo.On June 10th,she returned to the USA.She chatted wi 单词辨音啊.找出发音不同的选项.ago moment box so(o)diary yellow many only(y)young about ground trousers(ou)flowers books pencils signs(s)three mouth their think(th)括号里的是划线部分,