一个英文句子求解A cousin of the tenacious Asian longhorned beetle—which since its initial discovery in 1996 in New Yourk City has caused tens of millions of dollars in damage annually—the citrus longhorned beetle was discovered on a junip

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 07:14:00
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一个英文句子求解A cousin of the tenacious Asian longhorned beetle—which since its initial discovery in 1996 in New Yourk City has caused tens of millions of dollars in damage annually—the citrus longhorned beetle was discovered on a junip 是a cousin of theirs还是a cousin of them?为什么! a photo of your cousin 的同义句A your cousin's photos B one of your cousin's photo C a photo taken by your cousin D a photo with your cousin on linda was more of a best friend than a cousin linda was more of a best friend than a cousin My cousin,Daniel,___(wear) a pair of glasses.RT. His cousin is a fan of basketball改同义句 英文句子求解请帮忙剖析she did not think of the risk she was taking when she ran through a forest after two men.这个句子的成分 以及taking在这里的词义和作用, 翻译英文句子 .Death,seem a turn of bloom my is in cousin first photo the ________________________ is a family photo that your of __________is a family photo that your of __________________phpto grandparen ts the are my these in __________________组成句子is ,a ,family ,photo ,tha A cousin is your_______chijd 麻烦用这个句子造一个英文句子Your collection of suggestion on_____ is______. 用read,story books,does,your,cousin,often?连成一个句子 from,cousin,they,usa,the,are,my,in怎么连成一个英语句子 舌尖上的中国英文为A Bite of China .求解舌尖上的另一个中国英文 .是 A another bite of China吗 does your cousin have a headache改为过去式的句子怎么改? 换种说法表达下列句子:my cousin borrowe a dictionary from me yesterday cousin.a few.he.with.stayed.his.weeks.for如何连成句子 一道英语组句子题,求答案,谢谢!题目:用下面的单词组一个句子(Rearrange the words to make a sentence):AN OPPORTUNITY HIS TO KEVIN DOG BUY FOR CAME COUSIN'S 求答案,谢谢!