用介词填空:Li Na won the tennis match_ France_ June 4th 2011

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 01:50:02
用介词填空:Li Na won the tennis match_ France_ June 4th 2011 用介词填空 Li Lei quickly passed the stick [ ]LinTao Miss Li comes____China 用介词填空 Li Na won the ( )prize at the French Open ( )中填什么 l won not go out.the rain stops用介词填空 用适当的介词填空.1.We find _____ some information about Li Xiaolu on the Internet. I sit Li Ming.Li Ming sits in front( )me 用介词填空··! Li Na __ the second god medal(奖章)in the Australian Open Tennis Championship inFebruary,2011 A wins B will win C won D had won 六年级英语毕业练习试卷,一. 用适当的介词填空:1.Please look 【 】 the blackb、、.、、六年级英语毕业练习试卷(三)    一. 用适当的介词填空:  1.Please look 【 】 the blackboard.Don't li the news ( )Li Na won the first place on Jane 4th 2011 made all the Chinese peopleexcitedA.what B.which C.that D.who Li Na won the tennis championship in the French Open on June 4,2011.She is the first Asianprofessional tennis player to win it.怎么译? Tom,you shouldn't speak to your teacher_____ that (用适当的介词填空) Mrs.white asked Li Li to help her sort the books ______ different kindsMiss Li spends much ______ her money buying clothes(全是介词填空) Li Na plays tennis very (good).用所给单词的适当形式填空, The girl likes listening____music用介词填空 用介词填空 My sisteris the room --why are you so happy --Because Li Na won the match.Everyone ( )her in China.A.was pround of B.takes pride in 用适当的介词填空There are some similarities ____ Liu Li and Liu Ying 用介词填空 1、Li Ming is a good stu用介词填空 1、Li Ming is a good student_______Shanghain.2、We can swim___a swimming pool.3、There are boats___the river and some fish___the river.4、Can you read the interesting stor