来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 13:26:27
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SO PLEASING TO THE EYE中文解释 pleasing the But,there is something special about putting on clothes that are pleasing to the eye.有谁能帮我翻译一下,不知道这句中的pleasing to the eye. 啥意思啊 ?不懂啊delicacies pleasing to the most refined palate. 4.Pets’ services have made their pets pleasing to both the eye and mind. be(are / is) pleasing to the eye 能给几个例句吗(求原创)谢谢 Could I (t )you to open the window?The (s ) music sounds very pleasing to the ear. i find the man hardA to be pleased B pleasing C pleased D to please选什么,为什么 the picture is ____ to look ata.pleasing b.pleasant为什么选B?怎么区分?就此题分析 3道英语选择题.求分析1.---How did you catch the thief?---The thief _____ when Officer Greer shouted_____!So we caught him.A.froze;FreezeB.was frightening;FreezeC.was frightened;MoveD.was freezing;Froze2.The music ___ very pleasing to the ea 那位大哥大姐帮忙做哈这道题,---what are you think of your trip to Hainan?---wonderful.we were all [ ] with the [ ]trip.A.pleased;pleaset B.pleasangt;pleased .C.pleasing;pleased.D.pleaseant;pleasing 帮个忙选什么? 英语翻译Their brother,indeed,was the only one of the party whom she could regard with any complacency.His anxiety for Jane was evident,and his attentions to herself most pleasing,and they prevented her feeling herself so much an intruder as she b (翻译正确必采纳)I live,is to let people see me not pleasing to the eye of each should be. (翻译正确必采纳)I live,is to let people see me not pleasing to the eye of each should be! 怎么用pleasant不用pleasing?It was pleasant to sit down in the shade after standing for hours in the sun.都是形容词啊~ We're ___to listen to her___voice.It's___to hear her sing.A.pleased;pleasing;pleasureB.pleased;pleasant;a pleasureC.pleasing;pleased;a pleasureD.pleasing;pleasant;pleasure I only pleasing accept the challenge本人英语水平有限 Tom goes to bed late at the weekend,so he does not get up e----------