
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 10:07:57
x)KM,L~6c Ovv
kinematic是什么意思 kinematic hardening是什么意思 kinematic 和 dynamic 的翻译谢谢 ansys中Bilinear kinematic Hardending material 中的rice's Hard. 运动粘度(kinematic viscosity)的物理意义是什么? 润滑油检测运动粘度的方法英文是 Kinematic Viscosity用什么标准方法测? ansys中Bilinear kinematic Hardending material 中的No stress relaxation高手给解释 kinematic redundancy,static redundancy 翻译.如果能介绍所表达的意思,将感激不尽 【测绘学】KGPS翻译成中文的全称是什么.(K是kinematic的简写,是RTK中的K) 英语翻译On the other hand,we consider to steer theposition agent either at the kinematic (first-order) level,i.e.,by commandinga linear velocityui∈R 3, 英语翻译A shape sensing system to determine the position and orientation of one link with respect to another link in a kinematic chain.An optical fiber is coupled to two or more links in a kinematic chain.A shape sensing segment is defined to sta 英语翻译Machine-control applications such as a gantry crane auto-steering system requirepositioning accuracies better than a few centimetres with extremely high reliability in areal-time kinematic mode and at a high update rate of positioning sol 英语翻译Mounts with a large rubber volume are used in the audi A4 to optimize the elasto-kinematic performance (fig.47).Good tyre noise comfort is achieved by the use of voided bushes,and large forces due to road excitation are restructed by hard 是什么意思 是什么意思? 是什么意思 是什么意思? 是什么意思