two baskets of apple(s)include s or not,and why.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 05:11:52
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two baskets of oranges还是 two baskets of orange? two baskets of apple(s)include s or not,and why. There are two baskets of apples 三筐苹果是3 baskets of apple还是3 baskets of apples? they are____(woman)doctors.let's take____(photo),OK?按恰当形式填空还有There are two baskets of ____(apple)on the floor There are two baskets of__________ on the floor.(apple) “两篮鸡蛋”究竟应译为“two baskets of eggs”还是“two basket of eggs”? Mike put two big baskets of grapes on his donky and went to market 翻译 two boxes of apple 还是 two boxes of apples对? 我一直搞不懂,三筐苹果,到底是three baskets of apples还是three baskets of apple另外,半筐苹果,怎么表达,它的谓语动词是单数还是复数 two slices of apple对还是two slices of apple对一定要准确哦厄,打错了。是two slices of apple和two slices of apples i'd like( )A,two giass of apple juiceB,two giass of apples juice C,the giasses of apple juices D,two glasses of apple juice 1 two kilo of apples 2 two kilos of apples 3 two kilos of apple 4 two kilo of apple主要解释为什么?越详细越好. Once there ()two apple trees in front of the house a slice of apple apple要加S吗?two slices of apple a bag of apples,apple肯定加S.因它不止一个 2公斤苹果用英语怎么说?是two kilos of apple还是two kilos of apples? we want _ for the Spring Feastival.A:two boxes of apple B:two box of apple C:two boxes of apples I'd like two bottles of apple juice(改为一般疑问句)I‘d like two bottles of apple juice(对画线部分提问)two画线