填空:____(我们的)classroom is big.____(你们的)is small.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/17 06:33:25
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但是我,我没有眼泪.____,____!____?我们只有雷霆,_____,____,我们没有拖泥带水的雨!填空 帮忙填空: 我们选择他作为我们的队长 We____ ____ ____ our team leader 填空:____(我们的)classroom is big.____(你们的)is small. 一道填空题(小学)写人的文章我们一般要抓住人物的____,____,____,____,____等进行描写. 一、填空题 1.管理原理的主要特征为____、____、____、____. 2.管理和战略,____告诉我们怎样做正确的 一些小学英语题、、一.按要求完成下列句子1.A bird is not flying.(改成肯定句)2.I love elephants.(改成否定句)二.填空1.Peter is p ____ computer games with his brother.2.The students are I ____ to music in their classroo 初中英语短语填空I had to r______ into the classroo because I came very c_____ to being late. it is dander to chase each other in the classroo里的danger怎么改 一道填空题(小学)写事的文章我们一般要先交待事情发生的____,____,____,还要把事情的___,___,___写清楚. 句子填空,中译英中:对于我们来说提高我们的英语水平是重要的英:It's____ ____ ____ ____improve our English. ____、____是我们负责任的表现 故宫中的太和殿是我们常说的____填空 用物主代词填空___我们的room is bigger than___你们的 ____她的sister is watching YV. 一道简单的英语填空,我们应该更多地关心需要帮助的人We should ____ ____ ____the people in need. 关于友谊、的、填空____我们之间会有____,但永远不会有______.亲们、运用你们的智慧吧.. 填空:十年树木,____,____,____. 求各位朋友帮我做英语题目,初一下的.直接写答案就行.对画线部分提问我用的是括号.用适当的介词填空,使短文通顺.这些是介词:in, on, under, next to, in front of, nearThis is my classroom._____ my classroo 帮忙做个英语的完形填空,30分..I became lame in both legs in my childhood.I can’t stand __1_ the support of two sticks .Only in my wheelchair can I _2_.I still remember the first day at_3_ .when I appeared at the door ,_4_ in the classroo