英语,以下几题不是很懂,How much we ______going on a cycling holidayA.will be enjoyingB.could enjoyC.enjoyD.would be enjoy这题我比较迷糊.看不出来考点在哪.When will you finish___the booka.having writtenb.writing这题感觉两

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 15:50:20
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英语,以下几题不是很懂,How much we ______going on a cycling holidayA.will be enjoyingB.could enjoyC.enjoyD.would be enjoy这题我比较迷糊.看不出来考点在哪.When will you finish___the booka.having writtenb.writing这题感觉两 介绍刘翔的英语作文,写出以下几点:1 How tall is he?2 How much does he weigh?3 What makes him ...介绍刘翔的英语作文,写出以下几点:1 How tall is he?2 How much does he weigh?3 What makes him great in you eyes? 英语句子的语法分析(均出自09年英语全国卷Ⅱ的完形填空)以下两个句子我看得不是很明白,希望亲帮忙分析下.①Over the years I've come to realize how much of my success I owe to my acceptance of those words as o how much用英语怎么说 英语中how much 和 how many How much do you know about AIDS?谁用英语回答(不是翻译), 关于how long与how much的英语题-()TV do you watch every day?-I watch TV only half an hour every evening.A.how long B.how muchPS:答案是B,为什么啊?那how much 加进去什么意思?频率不是how often吗? 为什么how many是可数名词,而how much不是? how much does it cost?为什么是how much 不是how many how much is it英语怎么回答 【英语】How much _____ the food? 英语作文《How Much I've changed》 How much money are they?英语改错 英语句子how much do you want? how often,how many,how much,how long,how soon的区别各位懂英语的朋友帮帮忙,明天就检查呀! How much do you know about the Olympic Games?帮给个英语回答(几句话就行) Do you think parents should control how much TV their children watch and why?英语回答几句话 汽车在英语里面用How many还是How much?