鞋子穿破了用wear out 是用被动语态吗?人筋疲力尽wear out 用什么语态?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/05 00:22:44
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鞋子穿破了用wear out 是用被动语态吗?人筋疲力尽wear out 用什么语态? 衣服穿破了(烂了)my clothes is worn?或用wear out? 我的理解是 穿破了的鞋子 My shoes________(穿破了;wear). I never expected the shoes ____ in such a short time.wear out请问为什么用to,为什么不用被动 In his opinion ,shoes made in Chengdu are of high quality and ( )long.A.are worn B.are wearing C.worn out D.wear请解释为什么选Dshoes wear long有这个说法吗还是应该用被动语态 be wore out还是be worn out?网上说be worn out是wear out 的被动,但被动形式不是be+过去式吗?wore是过去式,worn是过去分词啊!实在不懂, brake out 用不用被动语态? Mary says that the shoes I bought yesterday______ easily .A are worn outB is worn out C wear outD wears out 答案选c为什么不选a用被动呢 his advise turn out to be wrong through the meeting?turn out是主动表被动么?可我感觉因该用被动呢```` wear sb.out是神马意思? wear me out是啥意思 wear myself out是啥子意思? 英语翻译1.她穿了一件红色毛衣 .英语翻译2.补充:用wear 来 翻译还是dress 那 ,dress 看到的好像 都用被动了,wear 用在什么时态中?一般现在时可以么? run out of 和 run out的用法!老师说,run out of主语是人,有被动态.run out 主语是物,是不及物动词短语,没有被动态.请问 run out of主语是人,那么怎么用被动态啊?还有为什么我也有看到物作主语的run out 鞋子是新的用英语造句 激光分割物品是将物品是将个个分子分开还是穿破?如过是分开是否可以用他将人分开再组合? 翻译,我的网球鞋穿破了