ip subnet-zero这个命名不太熟悉,哪位大侠可以详细说明下,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 09:50:39
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ip subnet-zero这个命名不太熟悉,哪位大侠可以详细说明下, 关于一道Cisco的题目,哪位高手解释下?特别是subnet zero什么意思?Which three IP address can be assigned to hosts if the subnet mask is /27 and subnet zero is usable?(choose three)A 135.1 CISCO路由配置中命令no ip subnet-zero为何意思?以及划分子网?在Cisco路由器R1上配置了以下命令:R1(config)#no ip subnet-zero,如果对192.168.10.0/24用掩码255.255.255.192划分子网,那么该网段中( )地址 一道ccna的题The ip subnet zero command is not configured on a router.What would be the IP address of Ethernet0/0using the first available address from the sixth subnet of the network (CCNA) the first subnet 和 the zero subnet 有什么区别 (CCNA) the first subnet 和 the zero subnet 有什么区别 subnet IP address, subnet mas, default gateway 用中文怎么说呢? 问道化学有机命名题这个怎么命名,画的貌似不太清楚,上面是CH2OH,下面是CH3能给我解释一下这个IP地址的意义吗?我刚到一个公司上班他们的IP地址都是这样的我不太明白这个IP地址的意义其实后面的.0我只不过是想让他代替一下其他数字这个是个A类IP地址那 ip subnet 和ip address及gateway和mask他们分别代表什么?之间有什么联系和区别? 我想问一下,SUBNET MASK是什么意思呢./z还想问一下这个SUBNET 真想会用这网 ip address is work out the net address and the default subnet mask of this netw CCNA的网络问题?PART TWO:SUBNET CALCULATION Given the ClassB IP address, determine the following:- The number of bits borrowed - The Subnet ID,and subnet mask - The range of host addresses for this particular subnet Be sure to writ 【zero】这个英文怎么读? zero这个单词怎么读 Using a subnet mask of,which of the IP addresses below .Using a subnet mask of,which of the IP addresses below can you assign to the hosts on this subnet?(Select all that apply) A. B. C.192.168 甲基苯酚命名是否错误下面这个图怎么命名“甲基苯酚”不可以吗