请教这个句子中的with Jillian York is with the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 07:55:00
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请教这个句子中的with Jillian York is with the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University. Jillian Martin Robinson is a famous doctor who has a lot of experience dealing with teenagers.我想请教这个句子中,dealing with teenagers这个分词短语在句中的作什么成分?是修饰experience的吗? 请教with在该句子中的作用是什么?England is a highly urbanized country,with 80% of its population living in cities,and only 2% of the population working in agriculture.这个句子不缺成分,请问该句子中with是起什么作用?我 will Millie take her dog to school with her?这个句子中的with 去掉不行吗? 请教这个句子中的for的意思how much did you get for that job 为什么是for而不是from? 请教这个句子中的would是什么意思?his mother believe in him and knows he would never hurt anyone . 小王学而不厌,虚心向别人请教,真可谓虚怀若谷.这个句子中的虚怀若谷用得恰当吗? jillian michaels什么意思 jillian janson是谁 请教这个句子中的OVER用法A recent health scare over poisoned dumplings imported from China have tarnished the reputation of Chinese food imports.请教句子中的over是由...引起的意思吗? Mary with Tom( )learning English.这个句子中的括号中 改填写 is 还是are? 英语句子有疑惑He fully acquaint himself with his new duties,请教在这个句子中,为什么要用“himself”呢?它指的什么?还有acquaint 后面是不是必须要用with呢? 请教语言学- 分析下面句子中的语素分析下面句子中的语素(要指出是派生语素还是屈折语素,词根语素还是词缀语素)(1)With corporations recently experiencing stagnating profits after five years of virtuall 帮我分析下这个英语句子,with是什么,for 又算是什么.和句子中的成分provided him with fuel for his speech. Hard work has a lot to do with his success.这个句子在怎么翻译 句子中的to do with怎么翻译 请教这个句子中的keep get 分别做什么词性 去掉get 行不行?speaking of phones,Tara Dunion says smartphones keep getting smarter. 请教这个句子中的would是表示什么意思?The bill would not affect police or firefighters.They are barred from striking