将几个短句改成一段话举例:The day was damp.The day was dismal.The day was cold.It was winter.The old man worked all day.He worked in the woods.He died on his way home.改成:The old man died on his way home from the woods,where he had

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 11:28:27
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将几个短句改成一段话举例:The day was damp.The day was dismal.The day was cold.It was winter.The old man worked all day.He worked in the woods.He died on his way home.改成:The old man died on his way home from the woods,where he had 将几个短句改成一段话举例:The day was damp.The day was dismal.The day was cold.It was winter.The old man worked all day.He worked in the woods.He died on his way home.改成:The old man died on his way home from the woods,where he had 1 将下面长句改成三个短句中华民族是一个有着悠久文明历史,勤劳勇敢和富有创造精神的民族.改成三个短句2用下面得 几个词语组成一段话,说明一种事物屏风 纳凉 帷幕 造型 伧俗 将She plays the piano every day改成完成时 Many people visit the museum every day.The museum( ) 将主动句改成被动句 改成四个短句 岑夫子 丹丘生 将进酒 杯莫停 几个短句的作用 The twins walk to school every day将句子改成一般疑问句.为什么不要Dose呢? 将一个长句改成适合广播的一段话要求:1.分成四个短句 2.每句包含一个要点 3.句与句之间意思要连贯 一座缩短了从淮南市到淮北市几百公里的淮河铁路公路两用大桥今天在省委领 将短句改成成语1.不是空有虚名2.山山相连,重重叠叠 请将下列七个短句组成一段话写下来,句子意思不变,字数可增减,位置可调换,内容不可缺漏. 汉字是我们祖先创造的、经历了后人不断完善的、凝聚了高度智慧的、科学而又实用的文字把这句话改成有三个短句组成的一段话,意思不变,句子要连贯 直接引语改成间接引语时next day要不要变改成the next day? by the time bill went to bed yesterday,he had had a full day and was ready for sleep,and tomorrow?将句子过去时改成将来时 The child cried all the day 怎么改成一般疑问句 无言的感动能够让一颗心灵在微笑中苏醒将这句话改为几个短句 结合《将相和》最后一段,改成对话. 下面一个短句不便于广播,请将它改成适合广播的一段话.要求:1.分成4个短句;2.每句包含一个要点;3.句与句之间要连贯.一座缩短了从淮南市到淮北市几百公里路程的淮河铁路公路两用大桥