find the values of m such as that these equations have no solutions3x-my=4x+y=12

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find the values of m such as that these equations have no solutions3x-my=4x+y=12 一道英文算数题,If 4X^2-3X+P>0,for any real values of x,find the range of values of p. There are two numbers,Neither of them is a multiple of the other.Find two pairs of possible values 大学代数几何相关题目For what values of m is the cubic x0³+x1³+x2³+mx0x1x2=0 in P² nonsingular?Find its inflexion points. I am afraid I can't find anything____in the book.A.of valuable B.of value C.of values D.great valua 三角函数最大值和最小值,Find the maximum and minimum values of the function.(Round your answer to two decimal places.) (cos x)/(5+sinx) the line y=3x+k is tangent to the curve x^2+xy+16=0 find possible values of k given that (x^2m+n)(y^n+2)/4 and -3x^m+3(y^7) are like terms,find the values of m & n.四分之一乘以x的2m+n次方乘以y的n+2次方are like terms[这一句我也不太清楚],找出未知数m以及n.其实我也觉得比较难.希望大家能 There are two numbers,Neither of them is a multiple of the other.Find two pairs of possible values of the numbers if their 16 关于COS TAN SIN1.If tan口萨=5/12,then find exact values of cos口萨,sin口萨,and then find the angle口萨 to the nearest degree.2.If cos口萨=-4/5 and 90° 英语翻译Find all zeroes of these functions,and any values of x where the function is discontinuous.Then analyse the sign of the function by taking test points around these zeroes and discontinuities.f(x)=x/(x-3) 一道英文数学题,看不懂啊,find the sum to n trems of the geometric series 108+60+33 1/3+...if k is the least number which exceeds this sum for all values of n,find k.find also the least value of n for which the sum exceeds 99% of k.thanks! 作文题目“The values of Reading Books”120字左右 The ideas and values of people had changed tremendously. the minimum value of y=x^3-x on the interval (0,1)how to find the minimum and maximum values for the function like:y=ax^3-bx? 科技英语翻译3Although all systems in the ensemble are composed ofthe same type of particles with the same kind of interactions,under the same external conditions, the distribution of particlesamong the different values of microscopic energies~m Find the absolute minimum and absolute maximum values Of f(x)=9|x|+7 on the interval [-5,4].Find the absolute minimum and absolute maximum valuesOf f(x)=9|x|+7 on the interval [-5,4].A is the minimumvalue of f,and B is the maximum value of f.Write an 三角函数最大值和最小值,Find the maximum and minimum values of the function.(Round your answer to two decimal places.)y=(cos x )/(5+sin x)