写正确的单词A man working near the American River saw something that was___than a drop of sunlight.(bright)It was a tiny piece of gold,__________than a pea.(small)Yet this discovery led to the _________event in the West.(exciting)Thousands of p

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/17 02:44:31
写正确的单词A man working near the American River saw something that was___than a drop of sunlight.(bright)It was a tiny piece of gold,__________than a pea.(small)Yet this discovery led to the _________event in the West.(exciting)Thousands of p That man is a hard-working postman的中文是什么 This is a man working in space猜单词.速求! The man upstairs is___(a canadian anEnglish aFrench anAmerica)选择正确的单词填空并翻译 和man发音相同的单词有哪些是man里面的a,最好多写点, 用括号内单词的正确形式填空.She ______(marry) a rich man some years ago. 写正确单词的那个怎么写 man结尾的单词 正确单词怎么写 以working individually or working in a team为题,写一篇作文,不要复制粘贴,需要自己写的 句子改错:把括号中的单词改为正确的He is working for a big firm and he has already visited a great number of different(place)of interest (for)Australia. 音标写单词根据音标写出正确的单词1.(stei)______ 2.(a`merika)_______ 3.(`bcrau) 4.(`aupan) many man这两个单词的a发音一样吗 怎么写呢?让写正确的单词 a day's work,a day's working 有什么区别?a day's hard working 表述是正确的吧? 这句英文写的有语病么?He used to be a working doing manual labors.working 改成 worker 初二英语(单句改错,那个单词有错,把有错的和改正确的都写出来)( )1.Do you think she have a healthy lifestle?( )2.He wants flying kites with his brother ( ) 3.The old man has a lot of money and he is man相对的单词是什么