interdigital technology corporation是什么意思

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 02:15:10
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interdigital technology corporation是什么意思 J.Coat.Technol.Res是什么杂志 IEEE Trans Compon Hybrids Manuf Technol j comput sci technol和science china information sciences哪个好 英文缩写寻求英文全称• 1、Acc.Chem.Res.• 2、Adsorpt.Sci.Technol.• 3、Biochem.Med.Metab.Biol.• 4、Can.J.Chem.Eng• 5、Chem.Soc.Rev.• 6、Chin.J.Nucl.Phys.• 7、Eur.J.Lipid Sci.Technol.• 8、 求下载一篇英文文献的PDFWater Sci Technol.2000;41(3):163-9.Solubilization of organic sludge by thermophilic aerobic bacteria as a pretreatment for anaerobic digestion.Hasegawa S,Shiota N,Katsura K,Akashi A.PMID:11381987 英语翻译In workflow management systems,analysis concerns related to monitoring,measurement,and control aim at identifying potential improvements of workflow shows a strategy to assist developers to enhance a given workflow technol 求翻译成中文(不要用有道.)The ‘revitalised manufacturing economy’ group of manufacturing sectors consists of renewed industries, transformed industries and followers. These have been driving the technol- ogy shift processes in diffe 英语翻译Natl Cent UnivNatl Sun Yat Sen UnivIndiana UnivNanyang Technol UnivHarvard UnivUniv IllinoisFlorida State UnivCity Univ Hong KongUniv OttawaUniv ManchesterUniv LondonUniv InnsbruckPenn State UnivNatl Univ SingaporeNatl Kaohsiung First Uni 科工贸有限公司用英文怎么翻译呀谢谢我这里没有金山快译,麻烦你帮我查查,我觉的应该也是个专业用语吧,谢谢问chinswee,你的翻译里面好像没有说明“工”的含义吧是不是SCIENCE TECHNOL