英语把这两句话变成定语从句John is a famous doctor.A lot of patients are very thankful to him.我是这样改的:John that a lot of patients are very thankful to is a famous doctor.请问这样是对的吗?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/17 05:43:59
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英语把这两句话变成定语从句John is a famous doctor.A lot of patients are very thankful to him.我是这样改的:John that a lot of patients are very thankful to is a famous doctor.请问这样是对的吗? 把两句话合并为定语从句的原则?是什么 把两句话并为含有定语从句的复合句 the boy is tom the boy is smiling 今天英语讲课听不懂,什么是:主语从句、定语从句、宾语从句?(麻烦中文举下例句)超级感谢啊!正常:“我想你”这句话什么是主谓宾?变成主语从句、定语从句、宾语从句怎么变?麻烦给 请用定语从句把这两句话连前来王朝长达三年等于一千天 把这句话改成定于从句john is very kind-hearted.he is always lending a hand to as. 怎样用定语从句把这两句话综合在一起?The girl is dancing and singing at the stage.I met her on a bus yesterday. 英语 试一试用从句把两句连在一起1.定语从句 The news is carried in Today's Paper.I have read the here.2.定语从句 The building is a hotel.We can see its roof from here. 定语从句分几类?这句话用英语怎么翻译 这两句话怎么变成定语从句连在一起?ha has lost the key to th drawer.the test papaers are kept in that drawer. 这两句英语定语从句句子如何辨析、he is a man everyone respects him.he is a man everyone respects.这两句话那个错了,并且注明错在哪. 英语定语从句The boy with whom John sopke is my brother.句中的whom为什么不可改为who 不是说who也可以用作宾语吗? 还是说这里应该用宾格,而我把宾语和宾格弄混了? 7. John is the boy ___ legs were badly hurtin the accident . A . whose C. who这句话是定语从句吗?为什么选A不选C,请详解,谢谢. 区分这句话是定语从句还是同位语从句It is such an important meeting that i will attend it.这个是同位语从句还是定语从句?此外,定语从句和同位语从句怎么区分? 英语从句语法中文意思:这个是我喜欢的女孩定语从句:This is a girl who I like.表语从句:This is that I like a girl.这两句话对吗,可以这么写吗,如果不对请指教, 初三英语问题(定语从句)The gift you give me is my favorite.You should change the way you speak.这两句话虽然都是定语从句,看起来也差不多.但是仔细一想,第一句可以还原成you give me the gift .而第二句如果 一道定语从句的练习题定语从句连接,把第二句变成定语从句1.This is one of those things.We have to put up with such things. 两句话合并成定语从句!1、She is the finest singer.2、We have never known a finer singer.变成后的句子,用“never”还是用“ever”呢?觉得“ever”更像啊