doing chores的意义(用英文3句) choosing gift的意义(用英文3句)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/12 00:50:04
doing chores的意义(用英文3句) choosing gift的意义(用英文3句) what do you think of doing chores 的英语作文 做家务活对培养孩子的独立性有很大的帮助 Doing chores helps to_. 做家务用了我6个小时!用英语是Doing chores take me six hours 说理由 我写的对吗?这不是疑问句take还用变? Started doing chores when she was about eight years old 的翻译 Start from doing the chores first! chores的意思? chores的词性 意思 chores的词性 意思 I don't like doing chores because it's boring ________ ________ you _______ doing chores? my sister used to h ----- doing chores at home but now she likes to do them填h打头的 Discuss the importance of doing chores and how they help the ( )family请在括号里填上“w”开头的词 Doing chores helps to develop children's independence.同义句 You dislike doing chores.I hate doing those chores,———A.either B.neither 选哪个 为什么 英语作文?急要书面表达:假如你们班要举办以Should we do the chores or not?为题的演讲比赛.根据下列提示内容写一篇80词左右的演讲稿.提示:1.what chores do you often do?2.what do you think about doing the chores 关于我们是不是应该做家务的英语小短文题目名称“should we do chores or not?我们是不是应该做家务内容包括:1:“what chores do you often do?2:“what do you thingk about doing chores?初二英语小短文 明早 速求关于Should children get paid for doing chores?的观点,2分钟左右,还有Should children choose if they wear the school uniform?要求同上 我不管什么事都要捐款!6.He is doing morning ecercise mow.(用tomorrow改写)__________________________________________________________7.Mary hates to do chores.(写出同义句)__________________________________________________________8.Coul