He keeps on phoning me and really dont want to talk to him.翻译是?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 07:43:48
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He keeps on phoning me and really dont want to talk to him.翻译是? he's a____ he keeps phoning me again and again we are not satisfied with the food s___ in this hotel.the poet c____ the woman he loves to a rose.the instructions on the bottle are very c ___ and I can't understand themIt was so dark that I couldn't t 初中一道英语填词He keeps working hard on the farm t_____ it is raining heavily. No matter how bad things that he keeps on trying one more time keeps stumbling 什么意思He keeps stumbling on his feet, but the walk doesn't feel all that long.翻译这句? 翻译:You may depend on his doing what he says,for he is a person who always keeps his words. the fellow( )suffer from what he has done if he keeps on gambling at cardsA.will B.can Cmay Dshall A man is known by the company he keeps为什么是he keeps而不是his keeps How long will he keeps it?是keeps还是keep on your keeps you on your feet I'm phoning和 I'm on the phone 一样吗I'm phoning和 I'm on the phone 都是我在打电话 对么? the light keeps going on and off the gift that keeps on giving 6.He often keeps in ( )in class. he keeps looking at me怎么翻译 2:He keeps on with physical training in winter ___________cold it is1.whatever 2.no matter how 3.whether or not 4.although 英语翻译He keeps stumbling on his feet,but the walk doesn't feel all that long.这句不知该怎么译成中文 He doesn't give up and keeps on ____ (try) to find his lost child these years.填什么,为什么,整句的意思是什么?