下面的句子开头为什么要加个of?as of March 26,the deadline for cities to submit information,Google said it had received more than 1,100 applications.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 03:21:12
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下面的句子开头为什么要加个of?as of March 26,the deadline for cities to submit information,Google said it had received more than 1,100 applications. 帮忙解释一下下面这个语法点吧It can be seen that the purpose of study still is work efficiently that have not necessary relate to education level. 这个句子中work应该用什么形式?为什么As far as I am concerned, the criteria o 一个有关as much as 的英语句子~Television,invented in last century,is as much a part of our lives as are our meals,work,or school .our meals 前为什么要加个are呢? China- The Heart of Asia 为什么这句of的o要写小写,其他字开头都大写? 关于英语句子中as..asthe discovery of electricity occured as early as about 600BC.这里的as...as怎么理解呐还有另外一个句子:Imagine it will keep as many songs as about 200 ordinary discs can do today!这句子开头Imagine算是 飞鸟集 一些英文句子的问题1、O Troupe of little vagrants of the world,leave your footprints in my words.开头究竟因该是O还是A?为什么?2、It is the tears of the earth that keep here smiles in bloom.here为什么不是her?3、The 语法题-这个句子为什么只有一个asMost major air pollutions cannot be seen, although large amounts of them concentrated in cities are visible as smog. as...as不是固定搭配么?那下面这句话的as是什么词性什么意思呢?T 下面的句子哪里错了As far as my concerns,I think both of the opinions are reasonable and the user will decide the result. it's a nice 跟O开头的完整句子 that后面的短语为什么不是fashion开头 而是was开头呢?I'd frayed the edges of my jeans as that was the fashion in those days The () of right is lefto开头的单词 分析下面的句子结构With industry came urbanization the growth of large cities (like Fall River,Massachusetts,where the Bordens lived) which became the centers of production as well as of commerce and trade. 请问飞鸟集里的O Troupe of little vagrants of the world,leave your footprints in my words的开头有o请问飞鸟集的O Troupe of little vagrants of the world,leave your footprints in my words这句话的开头有O吗?为什么有的没有, 把下面的句子加入as soon as看看我做的对吗? 请帮忙分析下面的句子,主谓宾,the future utility of what is being given up is embeddedin the object being traded.Emotion is as capable of assigning such a value as reason. 解析一下英语句子As for the case of quitting smoke as quoted above 为什么要有as (第二个) 解释一下下面句子中as的用法Young as he ,he can work out the problem. 下面的英语句子Li Zijun isn't as talkative as she used to be.