帮忙分析一下这是什么从句The health afficial said 12 suspected cases of influenza A(H1N1) were tested negative and that,so far,this city has reported no case of the virus.这是什么从句?还有,那个said后面可不可以加that?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/17 03:55:50
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This is the last time I warn you帮忙分析一下句子成分 是不是定语从句 You’d better not leave the medicine ( ) kids can get at it.A even if B which C where D so that分析一下成分说一下是什么句子!顺便帮忙改成定语从句!谢谢啊这是什么从句???改成定语从句 帮忙分析下这句句子,讲一下语法什么的.还有这是什么从句?Studying abroad can be an enriching and eye-opening adventure,where learning extends to the world beyond the classroom walls.(大学英语)老师让我们自己上去讲, 帮我介绍一下heal the world 帮忙分析一下这个英语句子,There are two buildings,the larger of which stands nearly a hundred feet high.这个句子的主干是什么?这是不是个定语从句?感觉这个句式读不顺,很别扭啊 heal the 帮忙分析一下这是什么从句The health afficial said 12 suspected cases of influenza A(H1N1) were tested negative and that,so far,this city has reported no case of the virus.这是什么从句?还有,那个said后面可不可以加that? 英语 求分析一下句子结构Our English teacher who has taught us for the past ten years is going to retire next spring.麻烦哪位高手帮忙分析下这个句子是什么从句,哪些是主语 谓语 定语, The book is well worth what I paid for it .请大家帮忙分析一下这个句子的结构,为什么pay for前面要用what?可以具体分析一下结构吗?比如 主语 谓语 从句是什么从句 如果是定语从句what修饰什么呢?我 帮忙分析一下这个句子,是定语从句还是状语从句,为什么there is a system where the waste is disposed of using the principles of ecology. And we've developed this intervention that really helps adults center in on the things that we nee帮忙详细分析一下这句话中的从句和成分.特别是that在从句中是啥成分. 判断从句Yellow makes us thinks of sunshine and holidays,which is the reason why travel angents use it.帮忙分析一下句子成分和从句类型? heal the world的中文意思是什么啊?是heal the world 歌曲的全文意思。 帮忙说一下这个英语句子的类型He gave me a CD player as a present ____he came to my brithday party.我希望说一下这是什么从句 然后对每个成分分析一下 it is through learning that the individual acquires many habitual ways of reacting to situation.请帮忙分析这句结构.另外that后是什么从句? The question came up at the meeting whether we had enough money for our research.这是什么从句,请分析一下这句话的句子成分. 请帮我分析一下这句话的语法,是什么从句?句子在问题补充里.The second you think it's so late is the fastest moment. you may read the book where is on the book这是什么句子 还是说它是定语从句啊帮我分析一下句子成分