he drowned his feeling with

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 12:21:43
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he drowned his feeling with 问He drowned his feeling with food 的意思 He was nearly drowned nine times 英语翻译he had been so lonely that he drowned his feeling with food.As a result,he had put on a lot of weight (增重), 英语翻译it is in memory of an ancient patriotic poet Qu Yuan who committed suicide because he was dsappointed by the govenment at his time.he drowned himself in the river 请把下列英语句子,改成独立结构.1.When he finished his homework,he decided to play games on the computer.2.The spaeker interrupted his lecture because his voice was drowned by the nise outside.3.After allthings have been considered,we thi he is being drowned in the deep sleep.这句话对吗?He is ----- in the deep sleep.A.drowning B.drown C.being drowned D.drowned选哪个,其它为什么不对? He jumped into the river to save the -------- childdrowning or drowned 英语翻译1)In reality,he put down the Republic,while the roars of his Rurals drowned the very mention of its name at Versailles.2)He was regarded by all good wives far and near as a hero.(“good wives”不是“好妻子”的意思)3) but for与but that区别?句1.he might have lost his daughter( but for) the timely arrival of the policeman.句2.the old woman would have been drowned (but that)a passer-by dragged her out of the water为什么句2不可以用but forbut for 和but th 9,He forgot the umbrella this morning and ___ ____ ____ (突然遭遇)the rain like a drowned rat. he was nearly drowned once .when was( ( )was in 1998 when he was inmiddle school.A.that ,It B.this this C.this it D.that this Although he was a good swimmer, he was swept away by the current and drowned.翻译整句怎么翻译?求高手! He was nearly drowned once.-When was ( -( ) was in 1998 ( ) he was in middle school.-He was nearly drowned once.-When was ( -( ) was in 1998 ( ) he was in middle school.我知道答案是that it when 但是为什么最后一个when啊?这不是强调 英语试题He was nearly drowned once.-When was ( -( ) was in 1998 ( ) he was in middle school.-He was nearly drowned once.-When was ( -( ) was in 1998 ( ) he was in middle school.我知道答案是that it when 但是为什么最后一个when啊?这 英语试题He was nearly drowned once.-When was ( -( ) was in 1998 ( ) he was in middle school.-He was nearly drowned once.-When was ( -( ) was in 1998 ( ) he was in middle school.我知道答案是that it when 但是为什么最后一个when啊?这 很纠结The middle-aged man swim only half way before he got exhuasted and drowned.A.could B.was able to Cmight Dwould John was almost ____when saving the ____boy.A.drowned,drowned B.drowned,drowning C.drowning,drowned D.drowning,drowning