问个关于比较级的问题Some of these computer programs are worse than useless.请问than后不是应该是名词吗?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 04:58:59
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问个关于比较级的问题Some of these computer programs are worse than useless.请问than后不是应该是名词吗? some的比较级 初二15个关于比较级的句子 very much能不能修饰比较级The population of the world in the 20th century became very much __ than that in 19th.这个句子的问题不管,它用的very much 是不是用错了? 大家好,问个关于蜡烛的问题.原材料石蜡和硬脂酸混合后,蜡烛变黄时为什么啊?有个客户的问题是:“The mixture of paraffin and stearic acid turns yellow when i try to use it again. I'm guessing that it is the acid th 问个弱智的问题,关于南海的主权 问个关于微积分的问题第九题. 问个关于意大利语的问题谁知道va fan curo 关于比较级的名人名言 问个问题:you have some poket money left的句子结构是什么 关于英语和数学的几道问题1.( )Millie wants to know some information about the air tickets_________these countries.A.for B.around C.to D.with2.( )Is ______in Denmark?No,it's in EngiandA.the Learning Tower of Pisa B.the Statue of LibertyC.th 问几个关于小学英语的问题我们英语教到一单元,但是老师让我们自学要问的是比如用英语表示日期,像October 25th september 19th 或July 3rd 就是日期下面为什么有的是19th 3rd 那个th或rd是什么意思啊 问:long的比较级是什么? 关于英语中比较级的问题clever,hungry,busy,slowly,tidy,early,slow,他们的比较级和最高级分别是什么? 问个英语问题 because fuel supplies are finite and many p问个英语问题because fuel supplies are finite and many people are wasteful,we will have to install_solar heating device in our home.a.some type of b.some types of ac.some type of a d. 关于飞机发动机推力的问题.我是一名新机务,有一个问题需要问:当飞机的速度增大,推力减少.这是怎么回事?我认为应该是增大啊!原句是这样的:(英文版)When the speed of the aircraft increases,th 关于Th/Tdth细胞[CD3+CD4+]和Th/Tc比值[CD4/CD8]的问题!麻烦问一下那个两个细胞是什么然后要是那两个细胞体检后都比参考范围低是怎么回事? 六年级英语(比较级之类的题)一、根据句意填入单词的正确形式.(1)Ben-----(jump)-----(high)than some of the buys in his class.(2)-----Nancy sing-----(well)than Helen?Yes,she-----.(3)-----the girls get up -----(early)than th