从are,or,but三个词中选择洽当的词填空 The doll can walk( )it can’t talkThese shoes are old( )dirty.Do you have any bread ( )milk?I like sports( )I don't like dancing.Is the duck fat ( )thin?Are they fast ( )slow?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 09:09:27
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从are,or,but三个词中选择洽当的词填空 The doll can walk( )it can’t talkThese shoes are old( )dirty.Do you have any bread ( )milk?I like sports( )I don't like dancing.Is the duck fat ( )thin?Are they fast ( )slow? 从and,or,but,三个词中选择恰当的词填空1.The doll can walk _______it can't talk.2.These shoes are old _______dirty.3.Do you have any bread _______milk?4.I like sports _______Idon't like dancing.5.Is the duck fat _______thin?6.Are they fa 、从方框中选择正确的词,并用其适当形式填空:(not only .、从方框中选择正确的词,并用其适当形式填空:(not only .But also ,both ...And ,or ,neither ...Nor ,either ...or)1.The old policeman feared ()hards 从括号中选择恰当的单词完成句子Paul _________ (have,has)three uncles.__________(Do,Does)your grandparents play sports?_________(Watch,Look)!They are playing baskerball.Ed Smith can play baseball _________(and,but)baskerballDo you often 你能从12的因数中选择三个,再配上一个分数组成比例吗? 从十二的因数中选择三个再配上一个分数组成比例. 从下列词语中选择三个或者三个以上的词语连成几句话眼花缭乱水花四溅情不自禁旁若无人晶莹耀眼 koalas are very cute( )kind of ugly.A.or B.but c.so d.also 如何选择 ..从括号中选择恰当的词或短语,并用其适当形式填空.1.Don't drink tea (1)____ coffee in the evening.(and,or) 2.Your (2)____ are very well,I hope.(family,home,house) 3.Our teacher is very strict (3)____ I'm usually very tired after c (——)we are in the same team.有三个选项.A and B but C or ACCA申请中Your qualification 下面三个问题怎么选择,是什么意思?Is your lowest level qualification shown above? YesNoIs the qualification shown suitable for registration to the ACCA Qualification? YesNoDo you hold or are working 从下列词语中选择三个同类的词,并说明原因.1、狡猾 倔强 谦虚 大度 大方2、刻舟求剑 守株待兔 实事求是 醉生梦死 鹬蚌相争 从下面词语中选择至少三个词写一段话,描写出班上一同学认真学习的动作神态红润 旁鹜 专心致志 一丝不苟 津津有味 语法选择的一部分His interesting novels are __1___ read at home and abroad _____2____ he has many fans.1.A.wide B.wider C.widest D.widely2.A.so B.but C.or D.though Are you chinese or not 这样的一般疑问句中 or not 怎么解.那么这个问句怎么回答呢?有人能从学术角度分析一下。 We are going to____at Central Park next Saturday.(play table tennis or play ball games)注意or——斜杠.请高手告诉我这个从括号内选择适合句子的单词或词组怎么做 从方框中选择适当的词完成短文 从方框中选择适当的词或短语填空.