帮忙填一个英语时态并解释Once you -------(work) from home for a while,you might feel a bit lonely.It might be worth going into the office once or twice a week.没有人的答案是对的……

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 12:52:07
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帮忙填一个英语时态并解释Once you -------(work) from home for a while,you might feel a bit lonely.It might be worth going into the office once or twice a week.没有人的答案是对的…… 英语中一共有几种时态?并分别解释. 英语at once的解释 My brother left school in 2005,an since then he ___ in shanghai.A,lived B,has lived 填哪一个呢?填哪一个个呢?帮忙解释下两种时态在此处的区别吧.为什么其中一个不对. 求帮忙并解释 帮忙把英语中的所有时态列举并简单的讲一下 有两句英语大家帮忙翻译一下the apple of his eyes.you are only king once. 英语时态题have you finished _____(read)this book?这是什么时态?为什么要填这个啊?谢谢! 帮忙修改一个英语病句here is the once we want 帮忙检查英文句子When I’ eating once again,you can stand aside.这个句子有错吗?我记得when后面不是这个时态啊,但是书是这么写的,when可以加这个时态嘛? 帮忙总结初一初二英语时态. 一道英语时态题As you (approaching )the town the first b一道英语时态题As you (approaching )the town the first building you see is the church括号里的应该填这个吗还是别的时态 用英语填日程表用什么时态? 英语谜语 请大家帮忙猜一下 what is it that when once lost ,you can never find again? 帮忙填一个三阶幻方 一个关于should的英语题题目大致如下:You are late.The train has just left,you should ______ earlier.给出的动词是come.大家看看怎么填进去啊?用什么时态啊? do you want_____to eat?(something)应该填什么呢?为什么 ,谢谢大家帮忙解释. 八种英语的时态.并各举一个例子.知道的加我Q954845465.