1.Mary had forgotten how _______life was in England.A.badly B.bad C.worse D.worst

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/16 02:06:13
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1.Mary had forgotten how _______life was in England.A.badly B.bad C.worse D.worst forgotten 意思she said that she had forgotten todo hers.为什么用forgotten I knew I had been forgotten是什么意思 mary had a little Forgotten mary said me,I have forgotten to do my homework改为间接引语 mary----me that--- --- forgotten to dodo---homework he had almost e forgotten what he had done Mary realized she ___when her friends burst out laughing .She had forgotten that it was AprilFool's Day.A .was making fun of B.was made fun Cl.was being made fun of D.was being made fun when i was at college i___three foreign languages ,but i ___all except a few words of eachA.spoke;had forgotten Bspoke;have forgotten C.had spoken ;had forgotten D.had spoken;have forgotten 为什么,还要翻译句子 PS:请写出为什么1.Surprisingly,Susan ___ all the jokes she had heard at school by the time she got home.A.has forgotten B.had forgotten C.forgot2.To my great surprise,Tom looked quite different ____ I had expected.A.in which B.in that C.from wha I had an interesting lesson that I had never forgotten it哪里错了 i had a visit from mary yesterday. Mary Had A Little Lamb 歌词 mary had a little lamb.首字母填空 This is my happy ending.Because he is my best friend,he had never forgotten me. She said she had forgotten( )her homework A did B do C doing D to do 21.It was not until he arrived in class _____ realized he had forgotten his book. She said she _____(forget) to do her homeworked.是forgot还是had forgotten?