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NCE3是什么 NCE3的录音! nce3-52第一段,an obervant visitor would soon notice that it is filled with.这里的would是什么时 NCE3第29课里有一句不懂NCE3第29课里有一句No matter where you live,you would find it difficult not to laugh at,say,Charlie Chapline's early films.这句话里为什么在say旁边搞这么多逗号呀? 《新概念英语3》美音版第四课often的读音?《NCE3》第四课often的读音怎么像/of'tən/啊? NCE3 惭愧Ashamed of having acted so rashly,Dimitri apologized to Aleko for having accused him.为什么要在 acted 和 accused前加上having? NCE3 lesson10The Titanic turned just in time,narrowly missing the immense wall of ice which .这里为什么用missing 而不用miss. NCE3单选题On her husband's return,_____ what had happened.she told Dimitri/Mary told him为什么前者不对? 谁有85年的新三英语磁带?重金购买!请问谁有80年代的NCE3英语磁带啊,本人愿重金购买! 新东方的新概念是不是算讲得比较深的啊?我在班上英语算很好的周围同学都在学NCE3我在听新东方的NCE3的课都觉得好难好难啊大部分单词都是闻所未闻的我想问问是我的英语变差了还是新东 新大一规划 1、背出NCE3和四级单词 2、做完Step by step1 3、争取竞选团支书 4新大一规划1、背出NCE3和四级单词2、做完Step by step13、争取竞选团支书4、认真学习专业课5、每天跑步,减肥,练字6、 帮我看一下NCE3中的一句句子Country people run wild when they go shopping in the city and stagger home loaded with as many of the exotic items as they can carry.(NCE3 L41) 从as many of...carry.是不是比较状语从句?如果是,那 nce3-40 and told them that -------------- order them to go away they were not to take themseriously.a should the police b the police might c if the policeman did d was a policeman to It's a question of pride as much as anything else.这一句话在NCE3 46课中的译文是:原因就是要面子.这后面的 as much as anything NCE3 问题The hardened professional smuggler,on the other hand,is neer troubled by such feelings.这里的troubled 和 feelings怎么翻译,是什么意思?on the other hand 是不是:另外一面 的意思?thanks a lot. 我的英语作文写得很好,老师为什么不给高分?我的作文向来都是我最有自信的一个部分,我在初三时学完NCE3、4册时就积累了很多文章结构和句型,每次写考试作文时都信心满满,通常使用大量长 六级刚过,是考中口还是高口~~对英语的热情很高,现在运用CNN ,BBC在练习听力,在学NCE3...中口和高口是不是有联系,我现在不知道自己应该考哪个,考后面的太冒险,我是不是先做中口的题,如果做 private=for one's own benefit(最好能给出例句)(NCE3 P17)A private collector is a man who collects ______.a.for his own benefitb.on his own privated.unknown to the public这道题可以用排除法做出,但不知如何正面认定.一个