指出错误.并写一下小评语,感激不尽,I have a friend who was my classmate.Her father is a pliceman.So her father always not at home,her mother takes her seriously.She always signed and told me that she had a bad luck.I asked the reason.she

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 07:44:12
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指出错误.并写一下小评语,感激不尽,I have a friend who was my classmate.Her father is a pliceman.So her father always not at home,her mother takes her seriously.She always signed and told me that she had a bad luck.I asked the reason.she 并写一下小评语,感激不尽,I have a friend who was my classmate.Herfather is a pliceman.So her father always not at home,her.mother takes her seriously.She always signed and told me that she had a bad luck.I asked the reason.she told me that i am thinking therefor i am的意思可能有小错误 具体记不清了大概就是这样写的如果有错请指出并告诉我这话的意思好的我加50分. 错误指出,并提出正确答案. I am in class two,geade one找出1处错误指出并写出正确地句子大虾帮帮忙写错了....看了看本子写的是GRADE你再找一下有没有另外的错误没另外的了 I was glad .I find a wallet on my way home . 指出错误并改正 指出下列公文标题的错误,并改正:××办公会会议纪要 错误:改正:求大神指导正确而答案,小女子感激不尽 求帮看看这个英语作文有没有错误 有的话请指出并改正一下 英语这句话有一处错误,请指出并改错,说明原因I have good something to tell you这句话有一处错误,请指出并改错,说明原因 I find that very important to speak more English after class.指出错误并改正 改错:I ask Nicole where she has been to.句中有一处错误,请指出并改正 I had a interesting dream last night . 帮找出错误并指出改正谢谢,急!谢谢! 改正i used to work in a same shop as she did指出错误并改正 改错并指出错误I wanted to know whether have they been to the Great Wall I want to meet him a day.有一处错误,请指出并改正 I have many pencils than you(指出并改正句中各句的错误) I have some muttons to eat.()指出错误并改正 有错误请指出,并改正