gmat题目,我选了A,但觉得that指代不明,但我觉得它result后少be,答案上说是be可省略?搞没搞错啊 should才可省吧,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/19 02:48:50
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gmat题目,我选了A,但觉得that指代不明,但我觉得它result后少be,答案上说是be可省略?搞没搞错啊 should才可省吧, gmat ds题 狗主选e 但我觉得选b 问道地理题目,这道题我觉得是A但答案是B,为什么. The ancient Egypyians believed all illnesses were related to _______was eaten.A which B it C what D that我觉得是选WHAT,但也有可能选that 但我记得好像to不能接that,求详解,感激不尽. is this( )book? B.i C.she D.your选D我也觉得理所当然,但语法书里说【冠词a/an/the和this,that,some等词后不能加所有格】,本题违反了这个原则, SAT一道题目The instructor's voice was so ----that most students preferred taking a test to listening to its grating sound.A receptiveB cajolingC melodiousD mutedE strident但我为什么觉得明显不对? 我的托福100分,但GMAT才考了580,想去美国行吗? 英语语法知识求教1.I think it is no need to tell him al you know.这里面说把it改了,但我觉得 no need 后面不是常接动词的ing 到底怎么改呢?2.I think that it is no use______with continue B.continuing 这个题目 这个题目我一直觉得选B,但答案是AC, 为什么GMAT语法题的A选项总和题目一样为什么有的时候选A,有的时候不选呢? 题目我是在网上找到的,但当我做时我却觉得有好几个答案都可以选,但人家这是单选题啊,做著做著我就想疯掉了.[泪]1.在一定温度下,可逆反应A(g)+3B(g) 2C(g)达到平衡的标志是( ).A.C的生成 若点M的坐标是(a,b),ab我觉得是第二和第四象限,但题目是单选题,不知选哪个。 状语从句的题目I hurried ______ I would't be late for class.A) because B)so that C)as if D) unless为什么选A?我觉得应该选B,请问B哪里错了?Tom went to meeting room ten minutes early in order that he ____ a good rest.A)can get B)cou what's that?____is a pencil我写的是that,但老师说事一定要用it.为什么?that也可以啊我觉得 That was not a good place for skating,you ________ your leg.A.can break B.could have broken我知道要选B但could have done不是指“可能已经”吗?总觉得翻译过来很别扭. 但我觉得a 也对 80._____ seems no need to hurry.A.It B.That C.There D. 一直以来GMAT的阅读,就是我很头疼一部分,总觉得文章已经看懂了,怎麽一做题就是错呢. It is the book___ I am looking for. A:which B:that我选的是A和B which that都是可以引导东西 但是书上的答案却只有B,我觉得知道题目出的不好,对么?