
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 22:11:07
xM0鴨LRa0D¸tx=o E4E4|uZ,5`5e3fd6Ư62uUhwi0"e FoS>fWCBΜBIɤo,Gԉ:4! BLtP9L򸭗7qI
奥数网提问1/2+5/6+11/12+19/20+29/30+...+9701/9702+9899/9900 1、2题划线提问. It took us an hour to walk there yesterday.1:对us 提问2:对an hour 提问3:对walk提问4:对there提问5:对yesterday提问 提问数1,3,5,7,8,10,12是什么月.2,4,6,9,11.是什么月、? 2、3、4、5、6、提问!英语! 对1 2 3 4提问 我要提问1 提问:RPR滴度1: Mary loves her ear-rings very much.1对loves提问?2对very much提问? 还有特问句1是对儿子提问 特问句2是对上月去提问 还有特问句1是对儿子提问 特问句2是对上月去提问 (1)This jacket is black (对black提问)(1)This jacket is black (对black提问) (2)It is a ruler(对a ruler提问) (3)It is black and white(对black and white提问) (4)That is a red cup(对cup提问) (5)That is my key(改成一般疑问句) 小学六年级数学提问计算1/2+1/6+1/12+1/20+1/30+1/42 对划线部分提问:1 Tom is( 12 yerys old). 2 He gets up (at 6:30)in the morning. 提问1+2+3+4+5+6+.+99= 给个答案和出个同类的题 数学提问1到4 1、I’m making a model plane. (提问)2、Johh is sleeping.(改为一般疑问句)3、Tom is drawing a picture.(提问)4、We are cleaning the library.(改为否定句)5、She is listening to music.(提问)6、They are doing housework.(改为 【1】What's the shape of your present [改写同义句】【2】My pencil-box is rectangle 对rectangle提问【3】Is it like a star 对a star 提问【4】The comeputer is 35 centimeters long 对 35 centimeters提问【5】The MP4 is 6 centimeter